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Monday, November 05, 2012

Shock Report: Valerie Jarrett Leading Secret Talks With Iran

The face of the Obama administration’s outreach to Iran may have just been unmasked, and it’s allegedly Valerie Jarrett.

Last month, the New York Times informed America that the Obama administration has been running secret talks with Iran in order to facilitate a working relationship once tomorrow’s election is over. Official disavowals were not long in coming, even as off the record sources confirmed that the talks were taking place.

And thanks to YNetNews, we may now know who the administration’s designated voice is: Obama confidante and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. From the article:



  1. Can't wait to see how the Obama admin screws this up and then what kind of assinine story they will come up with in an attempt to cover their butts. Let's just hope this time Obama's ignorance doesn't cost us American lives.
    We need to get out of the Middle East and esp now with Obama calling the shots. He has proven he is clueless as to the region. His utter stupidity has already cost us 4 lives.

  2. The obama administration has aided our "enemies" since taking office much like the Clinton administration. Selling military secrets to China because "we shouldn't be the only super power in the world." With Obama's policy changes in Afghanistan many more Americans have probably been killed as well, with their "don't shoot unless you're shot at first" rule. That's what got a lot of our guys in Vietnam killed!

  3. But Obama ended the war in Iraq-what's wrong with you people!

    LOL-don't you just love that obama lie? He did no such thing but the imbecile supporters of his believe he did and actually repeat it like it's gospel. They are so funny and it is quite amusing because they think we are laughing with them when in fact we are laughing at them.
    BTW-The Iraq war ended due to the US Iraq Status of Forces Agreement signed by Pres Bush in 12/2008. It stipulated that US troops were to be out of Iraq by Dec 31, 2012.
    So stop repeating that Obama ended the Iraq war! You all look and sound like a bunch of morons!

  4. Valerie Jarret is Iranian. She was born in Shiraz, Iran in 1956. You can look it up!

  5. wasn't she born in iran?


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