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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rumors of O’Malley Presidential Run Now Intensifying

In supporting same-sex marriage and the DREAM Act, state voters may have provided Gov. Martin O’Malley the political fodder he needs to thrust himself into the running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.
Talks of his aspirations for higher office have echoed throughout the state for months, if not years. But with Maryland making national headlines on Election Day by embracing major Democratic initiatives at the ballot box, the party need look no further than O’Malley for a progressive icon to carry the torch in 2016, experts say.

With two years left in his second term — meaning he can’t run again in 2014 — O’Malley may be “laying the groundwork” for a presidential run, said marketing professor Hank Boyd. Between becoming the first state to uphold same-sex marriage on the ballot and passing the DREAM Act, which enables undocumented students to pay in-state tuition if they meet a set of requirements, O’Malley has boosted his stock as a presidential candidate.


  1. you got my vote and i don't even know what your policies are yet...

  2. Please God help us.

  3. Please do God help us, these people don't even know they are the problem.

  4. >>>you got my vote and i don't even know what your policies are yet.<<<

    Thanks, Crystal. I'll bet you voted for Obama too. It explains a lot.

  5. if he runs & loses does that mean we won't hear of him again? we can only hope.

  6. "crystal said...
    you got my vote and i don't even know what your policies are yet...

    November 13, 2012 10:11 PM"

    Crystal where in the heck have you been? He has been governor for 6 yrs now. And you don't know what his policies are??? Then after saying that you still intend to vote for him????
    Typical democratic voter! Clueless! Chrystal's a bit different because atleast she's admitting she is clueless.

  7. The "problem" crystal is voters like yourself who haven't any idea what someone's "policies" are but will still vote for the person.

    BTW-O'malley's been a politician in the state of MD for over 20 years now and you still don't know what his policies are? Imagine that! An uninformed voter!
    I agree with Anon 10:42-God help us!

  8. 'Forgive them Lord, for they do not know what they do'

  9. We also have to remember that O'Malley can't control himself. He had an affair with news anchor Sade Baderinwa and she was sent packing while supposedly pregnant. He is another John Edwards. Not presidential material.

  10. the nightmare will just continue


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