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Saturday, November 03, 2012

Rumors Become Reality

The Red Cross and Salvation Army who are stationed at the Crisfield Community Center will in fact shut down food distribution at 5pm  today.  
We want to thank all the volunteer that have shown up today to help with this massive cleaned up.


  1. Dear people who need help in Crisfield and Marion,

    Please tell us what you need to get through this. Make a list and post it here. Post your neighbor's needs here.

    Do you need clothes for your kids? What age, size, sex? Diapers? Do the elderly need Depends? Did your beds get destroyed by foul water? Maybe someone has an inflatable bed. Were your winter coats hanging up, or did they get wrecked too?

    Joe, who is handing out things like clothes down there? Or is it all food, water and blankets? I have baby clothes I could donate, but if there are no babies in need, it would be silly of me to donate them and it would just make extra work for some volunteer.

    Thanks for any help you can give us who can't be there to help but would like to do something.

  2. I too would like to know what can be provided that will help the most. Soon, please.

  3. I lot of those people may be getting relocated if the section 8 housing gets condemned then they will only be able to take with them what they can carry.

    IMHO right now I think many are in need of warm nurishing food and many are going to need some phychological comfort. Mass relocation is the worst thing yet to come.

    Nobody wants to leave everything they have behind, and that's going to make it hard to get the residents out.


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