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Sunday, November 04, 2012


Joe, Someone removed our Romney signs last night as well as all others on our street. The other candidates are still standing. Any others have this happen?

Very disturbing.


  1. No doubt, it was someone in the 47%. They are afraid their free ride is about to expire.

  2. Business owners, check yout dumpsters! Tose people paid good money for those signs, and they deserve to be displayed tomorrow and Tuesday; ANYWHERE!

  3. I've had to replace mine three times.

  4. Liberals are such sore losers! They can't stand it when they are not winning, at the top, in the limelight,know it all, poor judgement, you name it - Cant stand a liberal anymore especially after this last election as they have really shown their "true colors" this time around.

  5. Hey Shorty, Obama give us fee cell phone Yo. Romney, hes not given us fee stuff, and he makes us work foe a living yo.

  6. no worries, we can replace there president on tuesday....they can then keep our signs

  7. I know where my signs are going after Romney wins...

  8. These polls have made me a nervous wreck.That's why I like coming to this site.It makes me feel like Romney is winning.

  9. Ive had my yard signs stolen twice and had some loser college kid peel my romney sticker off the back of my car during the nite..... Romney is winning otherwise these types wouldnt stoop to such low life forms of activity

  10. Evidently some do not like your choice of candidate. They think if they remove your signs and stickers it will somehow magically reduce the support of said candidate.

    Those of us on the realistic realm of the universe know this to be false. However, it does keep the little buggers busy and otherwise out of mischief so let them have their fun.

    Shortly, they will receive some bad news that will affect their lives drastically so it is best if their spirits are high before they are made aware of the bad report they are to receive.

    Leaders, as we all shall become, must overlook such trivial matters from time to time and focus on real issues. This childish act of rebellion, although expected, is of no concern.

    Be cheerful my friends. A new day is dawning and the enemy is weak and retreating, they only have strength left to attack signs and paper stickers.

    They will soon enough find the same images and words in places they cannot touch much less remove.

    Hip, hip, and onward to the new beginning.

  11. Another Democratic party free speech initiative - to end free speech. Now lets get out and vote the bum out of office and end the free ride.

  12. I havent read anything about Obama signs being taken. Oh wait, Republicans and Romney supporters are not that disrespectful. Typical Obama supporters


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