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Sunday, November 18, 2012


Rommel’s Ace Hardware President and CEO, Mike Cottingham, will present a check for $10,000 to the Lower Shore Chapter of The American Red Cross Community Executive, John Culp. The donation is to aid in relief efforts for Somerset County Hurricane Sandy victims and is in honor of Dave Rommel’s mother, Orpah Rommel who is from the Somerset County area.

John Culp, Community Executive for the Lower Shore American Red Cross is very grateful for the generosity of Rommel’s Ace Hardware. “It just came out of the blue, just when we needed it. During the storm the Red Cross housed more than 1,900 people in 25 shelters. Crisfield and the surrounding areas were the hardest hit with the shelter in Somerset County being open the longest. The help we’ve received has been amazing. We even had two volunteers from the Tulsa, OK Red Cross come to Somerset County to help. Nationwide, 6,000 Red Cross volunteers have been in action in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut.

President and CEO, Mike Cottingham said, “Rommel's Ace was fortunate before, during and after the storm. We managed to help many people prepare for the storm and recover afterwards. Our stores luckily experienced minimal damage. We think it is important to give back and donate to the communities that have made us successful over the years.”

If you’d like more information or to schedule an interview with John Culp and/or Mike Cottingham, please call or email Dory Hayman.


  1. People should inquire about the stability of our local Red Cross. They were gutted last year - the staff that knew what they were doing were fired in order to save money. How can you run an organization when all of the people with experience have disappeared?

    This has been covered up since it happened - why do you think there are no more Red Cross CPR classes? Why do you think the Department of Social Services ran the shelters during Sandy? It's because the local Red Cross is far from what it used to be.

    Call John Culp and ask him - he will tell you what is stated above is the exact truth. 410-749-5331

  2. While I am impressed that a local company has donated so much money I have to question why the Red Cross. After 911 and all the money they collect and decided they would save some for the next problem I stopped donating to them. So much of the money is used to pay large salaries

  3. After 911 and all the money they collect and decided they would save some for the next problem I stopped donating to them.

    Doesn't that sound like being responsible? Hold some for something else, just in case?

    You would rather have them spend every cent?

  4. The Red Cross workers are unionized. I prefer the Salvation Army.

  5. Salavtion Army receives their marching orders from emergency management under these circumstances, wasn't an orderly event from start to, and we are far from finished.


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