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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rep. Hank Johnson: 'We Earn' Our $174K Salary

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) says members of Congress "earn" their $174,000 per year salary (plus benefits) and that this compensation is “not elaborate."

"The benefits and salary that we get, we earn," Johnson said at the Annesbrooks HOA Candidate Forum in Georgia in October. "It’s not elaborate, it’s just a bunch of poppycock that a lot of people have spread around trying to get us to hate our own government and our government representatives.”

According to a Congressional Research Services report compensation for most representatives and senators is $174,000 a year. 



  1. Boy - would I like to give Representative Hank Johnson a piece of my mind.

    First off - they have all known about the fiscal cliff scenario since July of 2011. My first question is why haven't they taken this matter up before the 11 hour.

    Secondly - they - (democrats) - want to increase taxes - fact of the matter is that their proposed increase will only fund 8-1/2 days of federal spending. It is like using a blow torch to melt an ice berg. So what good does it do to increase taxes. Their work really needs to be devoted to downsizing our government.

  2. "they" are no way near worthy of $174K/year. they aren't there half the time, and when they are they can't get a budget passed. if we don't work, we don't get paid, why are they getting paid?? they get raises every year, why don't we (because it isn't economically feasible). they should be giving up pay to help the MAJOR deficit THEY helped create!!!!

  3. A few years ago Rep. Hank Johnson expressed concern over our Navy adding staff to a base in Guam. His fear was that if we kept adding personnel and equipment to one end of the small island it might tip up and capsize. He was serious! It's on the record. I don't think they should earn $174,000 a year if they can't count that high.

  4. this guy is a moron!!

  5. Congress should get paid on performance.

    Deficit down. Pay goes up.
    Unemployment down. Pay goes up.
    GDP up. Pay goes up.

    Or vice versa.....


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