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Monday, November 05, 2012


Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pledged to stonewall any attempt by Mitt Romney to pass his agenda if elected. “Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable,” spat Reid. Of course, when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) suggested two years into President Obama’s presidency (after the stimulus package and Obamacare) that Obama’s failures to lead in bipartisan fashion made his defeat his first political priority, the left went insane; they still cite the line as evidence that McConnell wouldn’t let Obama get anything done. But Reid is doing it before Romney even takes office.

Said Reid: “Senate Democrats are committed to defending the middle class, and we will do everything in our power to defend them against Mitt Romney’s Tea Party agenda.”
This is the supposed bipartisanship the Democrats stand for. 


  1. Who cares. Romney can just give out executive orders like Obama did without even talking to anyone else including his dumba$$crats.

  2. Isn't This sort of exactly what happened in 2010 when Mitch McConnell said his only goal was to make sure that Obama is a one term president and block anything that Obama put before congress? Petty partisan bickering is really what's wrong with this country. No matter who is in power, the other side blocks. No wonder congress has such a low approval rating. How will it be possible to get anything of value done no matter who is elected?

  3. sounds like a bunch of babies. my grandchild is in kindergarten and does not act like these idiots. that is probably the difference my grandchild knows how to act and knows what is expected of him. the dummycrats don't, they're just IDIOTS!!!

  4. At least they're acknowledging that Romney will win!


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