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Monday, November 26, 2012

Poll: 67% Say Lawmakers Will Act like “Spoiled Children” During “Fiscal Cliff” Negotiations

A new CNN/ORC poll conducted before Thanksgiving underscores just how confident the American people are in their elected representatives: more than two-thirds of respondents believe lawmakers will behave like “spoiled children” during the budget negotiations slated to begin in earnest this week (via National Journal):
Roughly 24 percent said the country would face a crisis and 44 percent said the country would face major problems if the tax increases and spending cuts set to enact early next year are allowed to take hold. Just 24 percent think it would cause minor problems.
Fully 77 percent said it would impact their personal finances, and more than 70 percent called for Republicans and President Obama to compromise to find a solution. If talks fail, however, the poll suggests Republicans would receive greater blame. And respondents apparently don't have much confidence in the outcome.
When asked if “elected officials in Washington will behave mostly like responsible adults or mostly like spoiled children,” 67 percent chose the latter.


  1. Tis sad the GOP is giving up and allowing the tax increases. I say they too can be voted out next time around. Enough of the lies!!

  2. Truth is, the voters act like spoiled children and vote like such.


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