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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Parents Of Truant Students Could Face Fines

ROCHESTER, N.H. -The Rochester School District is trying a new approach in its effort to cut down on truancy.

Starting in January, parents of chronically absent students will be given a court summons and a chance to get their children in school.

Prosecutors will offer parents the choice to either enter a diversion program or plead not guilty and move forward with a trial.

If the parents opt for the diversion program, they will attend four, hour-long classes with their children. The classes will emphasize the importance of going to school and how it will improve a child's future


  1. As it should be, Also after so many fines how about a little work release time/and fines. at local jails.

  2. Unfortunately you can't force someone to care about their children. As much as we would like it to,this won't make much of a difference.

  3. I hope that the parents do not have attendance problems at work. That could trigger a suspension and/or discharge. Parents losing their job for their kids truancy? Yeah, that puts us on the right track. Yes indeedy.

  4. Throw them all in the same jail cell for a week. Jr. will get his butt to school the next.


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