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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

One Can Easily See Why Wall Street Plummets Rightt After Election

Hi Joe
It's over for the ordinary American.  The day has arrived whereby the takers exceed the contributors.  When the masses vote to increase their benefits and with the Treasury poised to keep printing money - it comes as no surprise that Wall Street tumbled. 
Obama is not going to do anything different other than increase the rewards for the non-workers.  Unfortunately - it is a sad day for America.  You have already lived and seen the best of America.  From here on - its downhill.


  1. Do not remove your savings from the bank even if you are lucky to have any left. With the affordable health care bill, on Jan. 1st 2013 the Government will have real-time access to an individuals bank account and will have the authority to make electric transfers from those accounts. That is on pages 58&59 of the law. Read the law! You can search it on the net. If you wish a hard copy, go to a book store. They will try to charge you for it but do not have to pay.

  2. "non-workers" is that what you are now calling seniors, disabled veterans, working poor, cronically disabled kids? When did you become such an idiot?

  3. I agree with the post completly. A lot of us grew up in a time when you were rewarded for our hard work by being able to buy a home and living the American Dream. You had a level of self esteem that only being a productive member of society can bring. My Dad used to say that if you wanted something bad enough you would work for it. Not anymore. Everybody is now in a special interest group - themselves. From here on - its downhill.
    I was told a long time ago that there are two types of people - the givers and the takers. The takers have finally overrun us and their is no turning back. God help us all.

  4. I think I will go ahead and leave this state. And will not leave out the possibility of chosing another country. I no longer want to associate with Marylanders. A state this blue is too much for me to put up with, and I'm not up to changing it. Tennesee looks pretty good. Still shopping, though. Any "Other Country" suggestions? I do like my 4 seasons...

  5. Markets doubled under Obama, but don't let facts influence you.

  6. I agree. In just a few weeks the President and the congress is going to raise the debt ceiling yet again - even though the sequestration cuts were suppose to take effect.

    How many more times can the nation keep performing this charade. It is outright fraud. They are going to 'punt the ball' into spring, and by then the payroll cuts will exaserbate the deficit to the point whereby it real reach a cataclysmic proportion that it will take all revenues in order to just pay the interest.

  7. Can you now see tht they are all cut from the same clothe? The Dems and Repubs will raise the debt ceiling because it will keep their contributors from collapsing the way they should. Oh it will all eventually collapse - but not until they take everything they can from the everyday working people. The printing of money without backing will cause inflation to go out of control at a level even worse than it is. It's over America.....but not because of the election.

  8. 7:02 - DITTO! It's over.

  9. When Ronald Reagan who the election he proclaimed, “It is morning in America", Perhaps the country needs to realize it is now "Sunset in America"

  10. Intergrating is so great! Enjoy.

    1. Then do us all a favor and 'segregate'. Maybe hell will have a nice climate for you.:)

  11. 6pm-that's interesting because I am an avid reader of alot of financial publications. I have been reading for a couple of years now how the big investors have pulled out of the US stock market and are depositing hugh amounts of money in overseas banks in stable countries.
    I do know that there are many many invasion of privacy issues non related to healthcare in this healthcare bill.
    Alot of the financial pages I read are from sources considered left leaning and they are urging the same thing for big investors to do.

  12. Tennesee looks pretty good 6:35 PM

    I like Tenn. I have people down there I visit. AND if you want to open carry a handgun, it's no problem.

  13. Alex said...
    Markets doubled under Obama, but don't let facts influence you.

    November 7, 2012 6:49 PM

    Sure Alex, sure. That's why the economy is doing so well isn't it.

    Unless you meant they doubled in the red. That may be believable. But your track record so far isn't that good.

  14. I really don't know why all the Obama heads are so proud.
    They LOST in every county on the eastern shore.
    Romney won here. Get it? You are losers around here!!
    You cant change that or spin it.

    1. Around here?? That's something to be real proud of ranking among the top worst places to live in the state. It's a backwards time zone down here.

  15. "Alex said...
    Markets doubled under Obama, but don't let facts influence you.

    November 7, 2012 6:49 PM"

    Alex, for the hundredth time. The market is being propped up by the feds by something called quantitive easing-prining more money which is then devalued.
    This is the fact and it is a seriously dangerous thing to do.
    Why do you think not only the president but also congress' pensions are invested in alot of overseas investments????? They know the dangerous sea saw our market is on.

  16. I do know of someone who just did buy a home in Jonesboro TN. I don't know exactly where in TN it is or the weather but I do know they investigated for when they retire (she Dept of Energy, he career firefigher) and it was a good place for them to get the most out of their money.

  17. The Federal Reserve Pension fund also has alot of overseas investments. What's very interesting is that this fund isn't investing in US Govenment bonds anymore.
    They see the handwriting on the wall and are not going to see their own futures drop because of the inflated $ or the measures that are going to have to be taken shortly to avoid hyperinflation.
    You can see they are taking care of their own and it is a lesson for anyone who has a pension fund to look into.
    Their info is available to view on the federalreserve.gov site.
    My father, who was a shrewd and astute investor and had contacts inside the beltway, used to rely on the Fed Reserve pension investments when making his own.

  18. 7:45 THIS IS 6:00PM Your thoughts are where I was coming from. Obama sold our national debt to China. China now owns the United States of America. I and my family and my children have always paid our debts. Our Government doesn't. As an American, you do not own our country any longer. You simply do not matter.

  19. 9:20 PM

    another example of can't think for themselves.

  20. 8:49 by your own claim those are people that worked for government, receiving paychecks from tax dollars. So what's so bad about government spending?

  21. China holds about 7 percent of our debt so...

  22. This administration discourages what I refer to as upward mobility.
    In other words - one is penalized for trying to get ahead.

    Once the pendulum moved from 50% of our society taking to 51% - then the financial system will eventually implode because there is no one still contributing. This is already happened in Europe - (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal). I truly believe we are going down for the count.

  23. And one can easily see why 2 trillion has been invested in blue chip stocks in the last 2 days.That door swings both ways.

  24. well the firearms stocks have jumped quite nicely. wonder why


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