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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama's Election Victory: 22 Things Obama Doesn't Want You To Know

The following list was originally compiled by The American Dream, and chronicles just the election shenanigans from November 6th, which were actually reported. We may never know the full extent of the Chicago Thug-style election fraud engaged in nationwide, by the Democrat Party.

All we know is that Obama won the Presidential election by a narrow margin, with all of the traditional indicators of an incumbent loss working against him: Highunemployment numbers, miniscule economic growth, domestic scandals like Fast & Furious and the immediate scandal of the Benghazi cover-up; no incumbent President in the history of the country has survived for a second term, under circumstances like the one which obtain for President Obama.
#1 According to the Election Protection Coalition, voters across the United States reportedmore than 70,000 voting problems by 5 PM Eastern time on election day.


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