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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Obama Wins A Second Term: Now What?

I'm certainly glad the election is finally over. While I have loved politics my entire life, this presidential election has gone on for over three years, including the GOP primaries, and I've had my fill of meaningless slogans and counter-slogans, lies and counter-lies. I had to quit watching political news the last few weeks, as I thought I would become physically sick if I watched any more establishment political "experts" give their required opinions and propaganda bites.

The 2012 presidential election has been like a ballgame hyped and built up over three years. We are programed to cheer and act out our sheep-like roles in partisan politics when, like the game, unless we have money bet on the outcome the actual winner will have absolutely no impact on our lives.

This was destined to be a close, statistically tied election, as get out the vote efforts included repetitive harping on its life-changing importance and the evils of the opposition candidates and party. The bottom line is that voting percentages generate credibility for the failed American political system.

"There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties." George Wallace, 1966 Alabama governor and presidential candidate.

Note it now takes 71 cents to equal the purchasing power of a dime in 1966 – if you believe the false inflation statistics out of Washington. Actually, I could buy a soft drink for a dime in 1966 whereas today it is closer to $1.50. Check house prices even with the pullback or college tuition if you want an accurate inflation estimate.


  1. Funny how you STILL find a way to spin things. You just can't accept and embrace it. Easier to bash. Enjoy the next 4.

  2. Answer: H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS (On the fast train)

  3. Now what...........goodbye freedom!!

  4. Now what...........goodbye freedom!!

    November 7, 2012 4:12 PM

    They don't care as long as they get their ebt cards refilled with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!

  5. The stock market plunged at the outcome. that should tell you something if you had half a brain!

  6. The stock market plunged at the outcome. that should tell you something if you had half a brain!

    November 7, 2012 4:57 PM

    If they had half a brain, obammy would be on his way back to kenya.

  7. If they had half a brain, obammy would be on his way back to kenya.

    November 7, 2012 7:03 PM

    It would be far easier to limit and undo the follies of one man, rather than change the hearts, minds and natural instincts of over 60,217,329 men, women and children… Yes, children. Children who see nothing wrong in demanding that their neighbor who puts in three times the hours they do at work pay for their food, cell phone and even birth control.

    America’s problem is far more serious than a Commander-in-Chief whose administration condemned free speech, added more to the national debt in one term than the 43 Presidencies before him had in over 200 year, and made a downright vulgar joke about a dead Navy Seal to the soldier’s own father. America’s problem is that over half her people saw nothing wrong with this.

    We have reached a point in American history where national politics have forever changed. For the first time in the lifetime of this country, the majority of voters are placing their own selfish interests above the interests of their country.

    As one writer stated, “Blaming the Prince of the Fools should not blind anyone to the vast Confederacy of Fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive the multitude of idiots such as those who made him their President.”


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