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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obama Wins 8 Of The Nation's 10 Wealthiest Counties.Impressive Stats For A "Socialist"

I just love these statistics posted by CNBC yesterday:
In an election that often focused on debates about class warfare, President Barack Obama was favored over multimillionaire businessman Mitt Romney in eight of the nation’s 10 wealthiest counties.
For a guy that supposedly wants to redistribute wealth, the wealthiest people sure do seem to like him.  The sad truth of the matter is that Obama is doing one simple thing.  He is paying off the poor via food stamps and disability checks so that they stay in line while the oligarchs steal everything in sight.  The middle class is squeezed in the process and is rapidly disappearing.  So in a way he is a wealth distributor, just not in the way the pundits would have you believe.  He is funneling the wealth or the middle class and non-oligarch rich to the super rich oligarchs.  The poor just get paid off to shut-up as usual.  I am once again reminded of Keynes’ famous quote:
Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth.
So there we have it.  Obama the socialist? No. Obama the crony capitalist coddler?  Most definitely.
Read the CNBC article here.


  1. I love how you guys conveniently change your narrative to suit the situation.

  2. Most "wealthy" people aren't billionaires. They do tend to be well-educated, hard working people who save and invest. I'm pretty sure they don't need free phones or food stamps.

  3. Anyone who has ever lived in a wealthy county knows that it isn't the ones who make the county wealthy who voted for Obama. Alot of the times is the ones who are working for the wealthy in postions such as housekeepers, gardeners, etc that vote for him.
    For instance Fauquier in VA. Fauquier is a weathly county due to the town of Middleburg. A farm in Middleburg may be owned by a family of 4 voters. The farm and household help, including farm manager, grooms, groundskeepers, housekeepers, outnumber the ones who are considered the wealthy.

  4. >>>The farm and household help, including farm manager, grooms, groundskeepers, housekeepers, outnumber the ones who are considered the wealthy.<<< Sorry - if those circumstances were accurate, the county would not be considered wealthy. Next spin, please.

  5. 10:30 A county's wealth is calculated on per capita income and median household income. Strongest emphasis being on per capita. No spin here only facts! If 1 person makes a million a year and 3 make $40,000 the per capita income is then $280,000 a year. Doesn't mean the majority is making $280,000 though.
    Doesn't the truth hurt!

  6. It's true 10:30. Montgomery county the "wealthest" county in MD has the city of Potomac which by it's wealty residents alone (though fewer in #'s) makes it considered wealthy. Then you have the area known Germantown (double the residents of Potomac) in which the poverty levels mirror the state average and even more so Takoma Park which is at any given time has around 5pts higher the state poverty levels.

  7. He also won the 10 states with the highest levels of education.

  8. Westchester county considered a wealthy county is similar. You have Scarsdale and Bronxville 2 pockets of extreme wealth. The rest of the county has a poverty level higher than the national average.
    The way they determine (per capita income) doesn't mean a thing. It is a false perception of the reality.

  9. Education level does not equate to a higher intelligence level. The public school system's standards for advancing to the next grade fall behind those of a private school. Same for a public university as opposed to a private one.
    Anyone whose college degree dates back to the 80's knows that now you can pretty much take and ace college courses with your eyes closed. To get a masters in certain fields you can do with you eyes half closed and a doctorate the same. Years ago the question was do I have the intellectual capabilities to complete a masters. Now you ask yourself do you have the time.

  10. What I want to know is why these billionaires such as Gates and Buffett who support Obama and his tax approach just don't go ahead and pay more themselves.
    There is no law against this and as a matter of fact it is encouraged. There is even a division within the Treasury Dept that deals with the process of paying more than you owe.
    I bet they are really busy-LOL!

  11. Yes, in Montgomery County, MD those people living in abject poverty or considered low income far outnumber those in the middle/upper income level. It is the small "extreme pocket of wealth" alone, known as Potomac that make the county "wealthy."

  12. The democrats use this as a "selling point." They want their voters to think that since all these "rich" people who live in these "wealthest counties" in the country vote for Obama they must know something. He must be a wonderful guy. These "wealthy counties" are created by a few and the income discrepanices are the highest of anywhere else in the country. If these high earners are voting democrat then that is a disgrace. The fact is we do not know how these few people vote.


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