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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Obama Tries To Make Case For Tax Hike

Obama turns to familiar refrain in post-election press conference: Blame Bush

President Obama opened his first White House press conference in eight months Wednesday with a familiar refrain: Blame Bush. 

Before diving into an explanation of how he wants to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" -- and imploring House Republicans to approve legislation to raise taxes on high earners -- Obama sought to once again remind Americans that he took office, four years ago, during a recession that started with the George W. Bush administration. 

"Right now our economy is still recovering from a very deep and damaging crisis, so our top priority has to be jobs and growth," Obama said. "We've got to build on the progress that we've made." 



  1. He needs to quit blaming everyone else and for once take some responsibility - although I know he doesn't know the word or what it means.

  2. What progress?
    4 years of trillion dollar deficits?
    50 million people on SNAP assistance?
    TWO credit downgrades?
    A collapsing free market?
    A promise to halve the deficit while he doubled it?

    Yeah, right. Keep hoping for hope and change.

  3. If obama had the inclination to actually tell the truth just once in his life, he would admit that it was the democrats who are totally responsible for the financial meltdown by insisting on liberal mortgage policies. Liar in Chief.

  4. "Time and time again, Frank insisted that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape. Five years ago, for example, when the Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of the two companies, Frank was adamant that "these two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are not facing any kind of financial crisis." When the White House warned of "systemic risk for our financial system" unless the mortgage giants were curbed, Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing"

    Yeah it's all Bush's fault-LOL. The facts absolutely speak for themselves and anyone who for one second thinks any of this is Bush's fault is a complete and unadulterated dumb arse.

  5. He conveniently forgets that the Democrats took over two full years before he was elected. The 'very deep and damaging crisis' was started by his own party. Too bad not enough voters didn't know or acknowledge that tidbit!

  6. So either he vetoes the bill that keeps the tax rates or he signs the bill that kills the business environment - either way, folks with active brain cells will see what he has done!

    Never mind....not enough active brain cells in the dependent brains...

  7. I wish I could close my eyes tonight and wake up tomorrow morning with some semblence of hope. I have worked my ass off for over 35 years to see everything that made this country great destroyed. Obama is a lying piece of crap. He could care less about jobs and growth. Socialism is shared misery.

  8. If the idiot had spent more time on working on the budget and not so much time on vacations every other month (which added to the country debt) he could have accomplished a heck of a lot more. As it is, he did not do a thing put dig a deeper hole, put more in entitlement slavery, and hand out free cell phones to those that did not need them.

  9. I love how simply stating a FACT is somehow considered "blaming Bush". But speaking of Bush, I find it hilarious that you conservatives seem to forget that following a relatively minor recession, UE under Bush had not returned to prerecession levels during this point in his presidency. And the labor participation rate never came close. Yet this president is supposed to have had pulled us out of a recession of global proportions and brought back happy times within the same time frame?

    Here's a funny one for you "blame bush" guys to consider. Days after the inauguration of Bush:

    "the Bush-Cheney administration should be planning on having inherited a recession as the farewell gift from Clinton"
    -non other than conservative flame thrower, then House speaker, Newt Gingrich

    Your boy Hannity continued to blame Clinton into 02. But don't worry, I know you guys are blind to your own hypocrisy.

  10. Here's some even funnier data for you conservative clowns to chew on. At this point during the Bush recession, after getting the tax cuts he said would champion us back to growth, his job record;1.1 million jobs lost and the number would be closer to 2 million if it weren't for the substantial increase in......wait for it.....GOVERNMENT JOBS.

  11. "the Bush-Cheney administration should be planning on having inherited a recession as the farewell gift from Clinton"

    Of course they had cause for alarm! Clinton signed into law the Financial Services Modernization Act which eliminated all the protections of the Glass-Steagall Act. When that happened the wall which offered protection between banks, insurance companies and investments service companies was knocked down.
    They would have been nothing short of remiss in their elected duties to ignore the possible consequences of this. No one was blaming Clinton just making plans to correct a hugh mistake he made. It's called being proactive.

  12. UTTER nonsense, 4:21. There are now 1.3 million fewer workers in the workforce than there were when Bush left. This is the only figure that matters. Anything else-job creation, unemployment numbers blah blah blah-is a ploy to confuse already stupid people. 1.3 million FEWER-Is ALL that matters!

  13. Yes, all of Clinton's "important" policies favored Wall Street. There was major cause for alarm at the beginning of the Bush era. Clinton was quite possibly responsible for the most deregulation of Wall St and the banking system than any other president before him.

  14. Yes Yes Yes wonderful said Obama!!!!


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