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Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today, during his first press conference in five months, President Obama finally answered questions on Benghazi and the murder of four Americans there. Or rather, he pretended to answer. Instead of actual information, he provided bloviation and overheated rhetoric about just how offended he was. Not as offended as, perhaps, the dead Americans were when the US did nothing to protect them. But pretty offended.

The key moment, however, was Obama’s admission that he was aware of the attacks taking place in Benghazi. After stating that now that the election was over, he’d be happy to give information, he let it slip that he knew what was going on September 11:
I can tell you that immediately upon finding out that our folks were in danger, that my orders to my National Security team were do whatever we need to do to make sure they’re safe. And that’s the same order that I would give anytime that I see Americans are in danger, whether they’re civilian or military, because that’s our number one priority.


  1. President's are supposed to lead, keep the american public informed through frequent press conferences.

    His poor performance is yet another indication of his failure as a man.

    But the takers and corrupt media managed to get him elected.

    One can only pray that no more incidents like this will happen on his watch. The difficulty I have with believing otherwise is because of his muslim background. For me his actions speak more of a muslim.

  2. our liar in chief is truly a loser. continue to pray for our nation. only God can save us.

  3. Where did the "stand down" come from then and why did Panetta say they didn't want to send anyone into an unknown threat? Either Obamas said no such thing or his ilks disobeyed an order from him.

  4. Petraeus has to be so regretful that he even agreed to be a member of this admin which mirrors a carnival freak show.

  5. You can stop lying now, you were re-elected. Oh that's right, he can't stop.

  6. I saw a speech that the president gave on the news last night where he said that he is looking for good, constructive ideas from any source. I have the best idea yet, step down from office and let someone competent take over. Obviously that takes the VP out of the discussion.
    Four years ago he made a promise to the American people that if he couldn't fix the economy he would not run for a second term. He has lead the destruction of our economy and here he is. He lied.

  7. Cant wait to see when he is told to vacate the white house and is carted off to jail

  8. 2:13AM: I totally agree with you!!

  9. I agree with 7:03!! Get out!!

  10. He will now be happy to share information being the elections are over. That, my friends, let the cat out of the bag. National security should not be placed behind an election.

  11. What I find amazing is that as soon as the presidential race begins, the incumbent president (I'm not being bias here - Both republicans and democrats) stop adequately doing their job for several months to run for re-election. Secrets are hidden, important events are postponed, issues such as this incident in Benghazi are dealt with later, agendas temporarily changed to please the masses, economic numbers are skewed, money is "discovered," etc. Does anybody else see anything wrong with this?! The President is voted in for 4 years, not 3 years and 9 months. The American people pay for the incumbent's travels, hospitality, security, entertainment, etc in order for him to achieve political gains. It costs the US taxpayers MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of dollars to fund the President's re-election campaign while his opponent is digging into his own pockets for his campaign. If the incumbent was adequately doing his job, in the view of the majority of the population during his tenure, don't you think that it would be unnecessary for him to run a political campaign to seek re-election? If the incumbent is so confident in what he has done then his political campaign would have simply said "if you like what you have seen in the last 4 years then vote for me. If not, vote for the other guy."

    If we ever have a truly great President again; A trustworthy President with honor, dignity and respect for himself, this Nation and the American people, I feel that he (or she) would be able to run a successful campaign for a second term solely based on his previous time in office; Based on his record, not his promises. The need for an incumbent campaign would be redundant. What ever happened to the "People's president?" The president that EVERYBODY at least respected even though they didn't always share a common political agenda? Has the political divide become so great that it is impossible for a super majority of the American population to trust and support a single American leader? It is worrisome to see that the Presidential election was only separated by 2.85% of the 121 Million votes cast. What is further concerning is that 41.3% of the 207Million US Citizens eligible to vote did not bother to exercise their right to vote.

    Perhaps it is time for the people of this nation to start thinking for themselves instead of a isolating themselves into a political party, race, religion or economic bracket. More importantly, perhaps it is time to start thinking about what is best for the good of the nation and not for the good of yourself alone. If gays want to get married, who are you to say no? If I want to own a gun, who are you to take away take away my 2nd amendment right? If a woman wants to abort a pregnancy resulting from a rape, who are you to torture her by saying she can't? And why should the government be deciding those rights?

    We need to go back to the basis this once great country was founded upon. When people worked hard to survive and achieve success instead of sitting back and collecting a check for doing nothing. When we had no religious interference in the government. When we were guaranteed certain liberties that nobody could take away. When we ALL paid our fair share to Uncle Sam. When we respected our government because it respected us. When our soldiers were saluted and thanked by civilians. WHEN WE WERE THE GREATEST COUNTRY THAT NOBODY IN THE WORLD WOULD DARE CROSS! That's the dream we should have, the original American Dream!


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