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Sunday, November 04, 2012

Obama Campaign Struggles To Explain ‘Revenge’ Remark

CINCINNATI — A seemingly offhand utterance from President Obama has turned into a major point of contention between the two campaigns, as Team Obama tries to explain what the president meant when he told a crowd of supporters that “Voting is the best revenge.”
It happened in Springfield, Ohio Friday as Obama was discussing the economic policies of the 1990s.  When Obama referred to “a Senate candidate by the name of Mitt Romney,” the crowd booed his opponent’s name — certainly not unusual reaction at political rallies of both parties.  Then Obama said, “No, no, no — don’t boo, vote.  Vote.  Voting is the best revenge.”
It was an ugly and small-minded moment, especially for the end of a campaign when candidates usually try to stress larger, optimistic themes.  Romney incorporated the “revenge” line in his speech in Ohio Friday night, saying that while Obama advises revenge, he, Romney, wants people to vote “for love of country.”


  1. "It was an ugly and small-minded moment," -from an ugly and small-minded individual.

  2. Can't wait till Tues. so we can finally get a break from all the phony outrage for atleast a week or two.

  3. the article tells it all. obama is ugly and small minded; hence his words are what he thinks.

    there's a hugh difference between romney and obama. romney is calling us to come and work together as one for our nation. obama is just name calling and dividing.

  4. Plain and simply translated, "Turn the hate into a vote. Hate by voting." Yes, really small minded. What a pimp.

    Romney wants unity and teamwork as Americans together to get the US back on track. I'll support that effort every day.

    I will say, though, as a Maryland Conservative, I know Maryland with the votes of the Big 3 counties will swing the Electoral votes to Oblama, so I voted independent, since a vote for Romney is just as wasted IN MARYLAND ONLY. Just to let both parties know that there IS A THIRD CHOICE NEXT TIME.

  5. What do you expect from ghetto trash? Why would anyone with any class ever encourage someone to get revenge for anything? We do not need to promote revenge in any shape or form. People should be encouraged to vote, because it is what our founding fathers fought for and not just to seek revenge. The Romney's will be a breath of fresh air in Washington DC after these degenerates we've been stuck with for 4 years.

  6. No, obammy. The best revenge is VOTING YOU OUT OF OFFICE!

    Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

  7. It's obvious. He wants revenge on America.
    Revenge on white people.
    Revenge on success.


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