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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nude AIDS Activists arrested In Boehner's Office

WASHINGTON - Three women AIDS activists saying they wanted to highlight the "naked truth" about potential spending cuts in HIV programs have been arrested after taking their clothes off in the lobby of House Speaker John Boehner's office.


  1. Lets everyone be gay and WIPE OUT the human race...Yeah thats the ticket.

  2. You really should TRY and hide your ignorance - 11:29. You honestly admit you think AIDS is ONLY a "gay disease"? Take your head out of the sand.

  3. I can see why Aids is currently on the back burner.

  4. Unprotected, indiscriminate sex kills. We don't need to waste tax payers money on this: Have sex with one tested, safe partner or use protection, pretty simple. People that are too stupid to follow those simple guidelines don't deserve funding! And those in this photo deserve prison and NO respect.


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