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Thursday, November 01, 2012

New poll: Too Little Spending On Schools, Not Enough Taxes From High Earners

Almost two-thirds of Maryland residents (65%) feel Maryland spends “too little” on public schools despite a rising trend in state and local government education spending, a new Goucher College poll found.

The poll also found that 60% of Maryland residents feel that high-income earners don’t pay enough taxes, despite a state income tax increase in May that forces over 300,000 Marylanders earning six figures to pay a higher tax rate.

Nearly two-thirds of residents feel large businesses and corporations don’t pay enough in taxes, as well. Meanwhile, 41% said that small businesses pay “too much” in taxes and another 41% feel small businesses pay a “fair share.”



  1. When will people realize that we are all taxed enough. Our problem is irresponsible spending. Let's tackle the real issue.

    A great example is the unbelievable wasted space at the new Bennett High School. There doesn't seem to be a conscience when it comes to spending taxpzyer money.

  2. Interesting....the other 35% live in Wicomico County

  3. The problem with taxes is that too many people at the lower incomes are not paying their share or any taxes at all. These are the very people complaining the middle class people and upper income aren't paying enough. Even lower class people should pat taxes at the same percentage as the rest of us. The want the government entitlements and to pay no taxes as well. This entire system is morally bankrupt. The government is penalizing hard working, bill paying, tax paying people, and making us the bad guys. Isn't it enough we keep GIVING low income people all the entitlements they receive without giving them a free ride on taxes too? Too all of you low income people...quit trying to pull yourself up on my back. I more than do my share. Pull your own selves like most of us do. I'm damed tired of being condemned by my government and the media. Enough is enough!!!

  4. How about Maryland stops funneling money to those who won't work and choose to live off the state.... Or better yet use the funds collected for a specific purpose on what they originally set them for ..... Brilliant idea ..... Ya can't make democrats understand that though

  5. remember when schools had a teach and a chalkboard and that was enough? ive been in schools today. there is no way they need that much stuff! its like a teenager with a new credit card!

  6. Brainwashed people-part of the 47% no doubt.

  7. It would be interesting to know how the questions were asked. I am not sure whether we spend too little or too much on schools. What I am sure of is that the quality of education in some counties in the Maryland public schools system is lacking. We don't know enough about where the money goes to preempt something frivolous before the money is gone. I think that the Wicomico Board of Ed is top heavy, for instance. I think that our schools need to be great for our children and our area to prosper, but I think that the solution is more than financial.

  8. Another issue that will come about if you have business' pay more taxes is that they will offset their losses by charging higher prices to their customers (you and me that is) or they will simply go out of business if the profit margins do not make the risk and time involved in running the business worthwhile. Just my 2 Cents.

  9. I believe I saw figures that the state spends approximately $50,000 or $60,000 per student per year for the "fair" education they receive. Whereas a student who goes to a private school receives an excellent education for about 5 to 8 thousand dollars. How can anyone justify and tax increase?

  10. 9:38, interesting way to put it. Thanks. Makes you wonder.

  11. its not the money, its the system
    de-unionize and hold teachers accountable

    fail students if they dont learn

    stop coddling them

  12. Tax the poor! Get pennies more!

  13. If they used the Lottery money like they told us they would in the first place.....

  14. I will tell you where a small percentage of a huge school budget goes. It's called "STARS" program. FREE to ALL PARTICIPANTS, this is an afterschool program, that is watched over by teachers of the school, given snacks, help with homework, and other enlighting activities, to include pumkin painting, zoo presentation, and other person who come and dicuss various things to these childred. Then transported to their repective homes via a school bus.

    There is only one qualification required for this so called "FREE" after school care, is your child has to be recieving "FREE" or "REDUCED" lunch.

    I have to pay for after school care and pay for after school snacks and must pickup my own child.

    I am a single mother that does not quailfy for the above so called "FREE" stuff.

    call around and see what after school care cost. Its not cheap.

    Some of the children in the STARS program live near where me and my daughter live. These childrens parents work, i think. They have cell phones, DSI's and other vedio games, cable TV the list goes on.

    My daughter has only one vedio gaming device in which it took her about a year to save for.

    The parents above should pay something for their lunches above what they are paying now, not increase the cost to those who do not have free / reduce lunch. Frederickson, needs to make the parents of STARS pay something for their children to attend.

    Trust me, it is sad when parents put their own needs before the childs needs, some will say if you charge for this program, we will lose some kids, and that is sad. But I am taxed to death, and I scarfice for my child. These parents need to sacrfice for their child, they can pay. If the school does not have money they need to cut the FREE AFTERSCHOOL CARE.

  15. very simple explanation: most of maryland is democrat/liberal/socialist. many people move here because our state "gives away" our tax dollars to enable people to live off the dole. this is why we rarely get conservative leadership.

    it is what it is in the "socialist republic of maryland".

  16. Unfortunately 11:22 it's also spread to the entire United States. If Karl Marx could be asked which country on Earth best exemplifies your ideals, he would loudly belly laugh and point to the United States of America.

    Four more years of Obama.....we won't even recognize this great country that was built on hard work and ingenuity. YES we built that on our own IN SPITE of the federal governments meddling.

  17. A new poll suggests 60% of Marylanders are morons.

  18. I agree with 6:52 - 60% of Marylanders polled were considered to be imbeciles according to the National Education Foundation.

    So it is only logical that the polls are founded on illogical priciples.

    Now - let's give this latest news information update a little time to resonate with the people.


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