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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Need For School Psychologists Increasing

More and more school-aged children are showing up for class with issues far too complex for teachers and administrators to handle.

That's why there's a growing need for school psychologists. More than 35,000 are now based in public schools nationwide.
It is National School Psychology awareness week and it's a time to focus on the critical role they play on campus. WBAL-TV 11 News had a chance to see a school psychologist at work in Howard County.


  1. We used to have God watching over us, and when we had an overwhelming problem, the Nuns and Priests who taught us would help us out. Now it's Cops and Psychologists... too bad.

  2. How about parent responsibility?!

  3. Schools need to pass out more drugs so little johnny won't realize he has two daddies.

  4. 703, it wouldn't matter if two birds were raising a child. You either raise them or your don't. Love and responsibility know no color, sex or creed.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    703, it wouldn't matter if two birds were raising a child. You either raise them or your don't. Love and responsibility know no color, sex or creed.

    November 14, 2012 7:49 PM

    Keep believing your crap to make you feel better.


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