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Friday, November 09, 2012

My Thoughts On The Election: The Devil You Know

Regular readers know that I voted for the Libertarian candidate for President, former Governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson.  I outlined my reasons for this choice in several posts, most definitively in my piece Meet Gary Johnson: The Libertarian for President Polling at 7% in Colorado.  While I was already excited for my first act of Presidential civil disobedience, I didn’t realize how truly liberating it would feel until the next morning.  Many Americans voted for “the lesser of two evils” and were disappointed in the result.  This must have been an emotional double whammy in the sense that not only did the guy you disliked so much that you were willing to vote for a candidate you didn’t like win, but you didn’t vote your conscience.  Personally, I didn’t have to deal with either emotion because I voted for the person I liked the most despite residing in a swing state.  What allowed me to do this was the complete and total recognition that under both major candidates America loses.  My major issues are:
1) The Federal Reserve scam and Wall Street theft.
2) Civil liberties and the destruction of the Constitution.
3) Our aggressive foreign policy and imperial wars abroad that help only the oligarchs and impoverish the masses.

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