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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Montgomery County Declines To Close Schools On Islamic Holidays

Montgomery County’s school board effectively turned down a request Tuesday from leaders of the county’s growing Muslim community to recognize an Islamic holy day next school year with an official day off.
Saying they could not simply add a school closing for a religious occasion, board members asked that student and staff attendance be monitored closely on future Muslim holidays to determine whether there is sufficient absenteeism to warrant such a move.
“I think it’s important to recognize this is not a ‘no’ forever,” said John Mannes, the board’s student member.


  1. In the article it said a student took two weeks to make up what he missed for one day of school. Two weeks? Really?
    In our area they no longer call it Easter break or Christmas break, it is spring and winter breaks.

  2. 6:41
    You are right. It is winter break and spring break. They are no longer allowed to have a Christmas program it is a holiday program. They have taken religion out of schools so the muslims are SOL on this.

  3. WOW, Dr. Freddy didn't close our schools but cancelled all of the tests for that day.

  4. Sure sounds like a bunch of BS doesn't it,6:41? Let's just hope this student never gets sick and misses a few days of school-LOL.

  5. Thank you, Montgomery County. map

  6. We should close the country down for the muslims , just a matter of time , wake up people , almost there.

  7. but they havent took christmas out of blowing our money!

  8. Glad to see that, BUT montgomery county will cave in I'm sure...


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