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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Man Who Accused Elmo Puppeteer Of Teen Sex Recants

 A man who accused Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash of having sex with him when he was a teenage boy has recanted his story.

In a quick turnabout, the man on Tuesday described his sexual relationship with Clash as adult and consensual.

Clash responded with a statement of his own, saying he is "relieved that this painful allegation has been put to rest." He had no further comment.



  1. This so called accuser should now be punished by the fullest extent of the law and them placed on the sex offenders list for many years to see how it would have felt for mr clash to have been on it without cause as I am sure many others are ?? If you are convicted of sex offenses and other crazy crimes you are placed on it , so if you falsely accuse someone of sex offenses and the truth comes out you lied you should be placed on it to see how it feels...

  2. I think he was paid to change his story.

  3. he was paid off. clash is a multi millionaire fruit.

  4. Whats scary is he has his hand up elmos gay A//...????

  5. Give him a free weekend vacation in Iran with all the abnormal sex he can find. Soap included of course.


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