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Friday, November 23, 2012

Legal Posturing Continues In Assateague Excessive Force Case

ASSATEAGUE -- Legal wrangling continued last week in the ongoing civil suit filed by a local resident against the U.S. and a National Park Ranger at Assateague over the alleged use of excessive force during an arrest on the barrier island in the summer of 2011.

Just over a year ago, Ocean Pines resident Bonnie Preziosi filed suit in U.S. District Court against the U.S. and Assateague Island National Seashore Park Ranger Dana Condron alleging false arrest and excessive use of force in violation of her Fourth Amendment rights following an incident that escalated at the national park in August 2011. Preziosi had been providing private surfing lessons to area children at the National Seashore and Park Service rangers were prepared to file charges against her for conducting private business in the park without the appropriate licenses.

Earlier this year, U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett dismissed the false arrest component of the suit after a trial court determined Preziosi indeed had been operating a private business in the national park without a license or permit. However, the judge allowed the excessive force element of the suit to continue and the case appears to be headed toward trial early next year. The suit is seeking $1 million in compensatory damages and $1.5 million in punitive damages.



  1. sounds like a good arrest to me. If you don't comply with a lawful command, you eat asphalt.

  2. private surfing lessons?

    As long as park is not liable, Who cares.

  3. The whole story about needing a permit to teach surfing lessons sounds absurd to me.

    What's next - a permit required for entering the water?

    I hope the young lady sues the ass off of the Federal Parks official. And as far as advice for the Federal Parks official - you had better keep your eyes trained on your back side - as what goes around comes around.

  4. I think little surfer girl is a liar. If the law says you are required to have special permits, then that's what you get. Whether it's right or wrong, it's the law.

  5. The park service rangers are becoming paid thugs for the environmental liberal left.


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