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Friday, November 09, 2012

Latinos: We Voted, Now We Want Obama's Help

A coalition of latinos say they worked for President Barack Obama's re-election and now they're asking for his help: They want comprehensive immigration reform to keep families together.
"We need justice now for 11 million people in this country who overwhelmingly supported the president's reelection and now it’s time for payback," said Gustavo Andrada of Casa In Action today at a rally outside of the White House.
Veronica Savaria lives in Maryland with her family. She campaigned for  Maryland's Dream Act which voters approved on Tuesday granting in state tuition for the children of undocumented immigrants. But she says she still lives in fear.


  1. In other words now give us our free stuff

  2. Veronica Savaria should live in fear. She is breaking the laws of our country every day. She made a conscious decision to illegally cross the U.S. border violating American's sovereignty.
    I wonder how many criminal aliens voted for Obama? How many steal food stamps from AMERICANS children's mouths?
    The Obama regime began an expansion of a nutrition campaign to include TV ADVERTISING in Mexico the process for Illegal aliens to apply for food stamps before they even come here.
    This is insanity! At American taxpayer expense!
    Round them up and send them HOME!

  3. Welcome to Amexico , welcome to the land of the criminals and the home of the slaves.
    There are only so many yards to cut and it only happens in warm weather. Collect your entitlement checks and be happy with your new leader. He will educate you and tell you how to live.

  4. Two Words : Fat Chance, and I approve this message. Obama sure did fool them. LMAO

  5. This simply ain't going to happen!

  6. I went to sneak into Mexico. When I get to the fence in Waraz I saw the Bush's on innertubes crossing the river whistling the theme song from the Jefferson's. This is all to comical. Welcome to a country that is about to implode. We will have cartels. They wont sell drugs. They will fight for justice. We would have called these men patriots now we will call them domestic terrorist. Ohbama knows what is coming. He would be a fool not to. People will hit a breaking point on socialism and his imperialist leadership. It all started way before he became president. This country has been in a downward spiral since we lost faith in God and Country. There are no family values. I am moving to Wyoming something tells me that will be the place to live.

  7. It is going to be sad to see this country in 4 years when entitlement money runs out because not enough taxpayers paying into the system.The country takes in 900 billion now but spends 1.3 trillion on entitlements.

  8. I would like to see some type of reform and streamlining of the immigration system but not amnesty. Too much red tape and bureaucracy involved.
    It won't happen. If it did 3/4 of those employeed the US Citizenship & Immigration Services division of INS would be out of a job.

  9. The supposed "purpose" of the Dream Act in MD is to educate someone who is here so they will go on to be productive residents of MD though the bill is written to not guarantee this will happen and they are free to leave not only MD but the country anytime they choose.

    If these illegals were sincere they would have wanted the bill to be written saying that application for a permanent residency card must be submitted before they are permitted in state tuition.

  10. Send them home? They ARE home. You need to move!

  11. "Anonymous said...
    Send them home? They ARE home. You need to move!

    November 10, 2012 11:08 AM"

    Can't thing of a sensible answer so attack is how this works.
    How about this--when you can come back with a sensible argument that contributes to a sensible debate they you come back. I bet we never hear from you again! That's how it works with democrats. They don't want to ever admit that they are fools who gets the wool pulled over their heads constantly.

  12. The Mexican president is at fault and should be impeached for not protecting and feeding his own people...


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