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Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's Been A Crazy Week

I have heard celebrity hosts expressing their disappointment in the Presidential Election results, even going so far as to saying they don't want to hear Obama's voice or even see his face until after Christmas.

I have spoken to many friends who are just lost with what our future holds. I will say, I am extremely impressed with Wicomico County being mainly democrats, yet the majority voted for Romney. I'd say, (unlike ALL of the MSM on the Shore) we did our job and we were successful in our messages.

Look, I am not a party line kind of guy. I believe, (and always have) that I will vote for the best man or woman for the job. Unfortunately, (IMHO) Romney was not the best candidate for President for the Republican Party. It is what it is. I can sit here and say Obama is like Santa Claus like so many other people in the media have expressed. However, Obama is our President once again and rather than being bitter about it, we have no choice but to move forward and pressure the Republican Party to do a better job delivering a candidate and that's all there is to it.

I found some spare time today to draft this Post because I could not go to Crisfield as I had planned. I want to thank ALL of those people who were able to take time out of their busy schedules to help those in need down there. Unfortunately for me, one of my closest friends is in ICU today with stage 4 cancer. He went into the Hospital on Thursday night and it's been a mess schedule wise ever since.

Folks, we have a LOT to be thankful for.  Clearly we cannot win all of our battles in life. That being said, we can agree to disagree. We can move forward and make the very best of life. America is not coming to an end. America is simply changing. It may not be easy to accept and we may not like it but like anything else, we're growing older and even dependent on the younger generations.

As Americans we need to look a LOT closer at how our children are being taught and WHO is teaching them. We need to be far more involved in their education system and get more involved, unless you want things to continue the way our leaders and elected officials are directing them.

When I published a picture of my Niece and Nephew holding up election signs this week, the very first comment stated this was, "child abuse". Quite frankly I got pretty ticked off at such a statement because our Teachers, (who are mainly liberal) are spending so much time expressing their agenda and beliefs for the majority of their time in school. They want you to believe now that if we teach our children OUR beliefs, that's now child abuse.

IF we want to take responsibility for how our children are raised, we need to start with elected school boards. We need to get far more involved with the PTA. Clearly entitlements have proven to be the easiest way to cope in life, rather than going out and working hard every day and providing for our Families. I'm proud to say I have successfully done well with that department when it comes to my children. They are incredibly independent as well as great providers.

IF you believe we are failing it is because WE are not involved in the critical areas we need to be. I am personally doing everything in my powers to make such changes. I have been running this Blog for more than 7 years. I have been dedicated 365 days a year in all that time to spread messages I feel are important to all of you, republican, democrat or whatever. I am even going so far as to run for Mayor of Salisbury in the hope of delivering promising changes to make our lives better.

Should Jim Ireton run again and should Jim win, as mentioned last week, the voters will have spoken. I will have done my job and will sleep very well at night knowing I did everything in my powers to make a difference.

Look, this is NOT the Superbowl to me. I feel we can start at a local level to make a difference. If the citizens choose that the Obama style of leadership is the way to go, they'll vote for Jim Ireton. If your sick and tired of how Salisbury has been handled these past 16 years, you'll vote for me.

Ladies & Gentlemen, according to some local democrats, we're child abusers. God Forbid we even THINK of teaching our OWN children what WE believe in. In their eyes they want to be rewarded and take credit for whom our children have become. Well, in my lifetime, I'm at least stepping up to the plate to offer YOU something different.

The battle for the upcoming Mayoral election will be decided at the polls. The end results will show what Salisbury, Maryland is made of. It's NOT a matter of hate. It's a matter of what WE want at a local level. We may not like the results of the Presidential election so we must make a change on a local level and ask other municipalities across the Nation to think long and hard at how our children are molded.

A friend said to me, it all started going down hill once they took God out of our schools. It was one thing for a Teacher to come down on one of our children for doing something wrong. Then when our child would come home with a complaint from their Teacher, they had us to answer to. However, when God was in our schools there was another source of being, (some would even call it guilt) to answer to. As children we knew right from wrong. Today, our children rarely have two parents living under one roof to discipline them. One parent, (if not both) want to always be the good guy and not a person they'll hate.

At my age, most Mom's stayed home and Dad went to work and provided. Today, both Parents work full time to help pay for gas, insurance, food, mortgages, gas & electric, college, you name it. Credit Card Companies made it easy for us to borrow and fall into debt. Today, we don't have the time to get involved in PTA or join Boards or become Council Members and those Parents who do find the time to get involved, well, God Bless them because as difficult as it already is to raise our Families, think about how much more weight is now on their shoulders.

It's a matter of managing our time more wisely. It can be done. if your willing to try hard enough. Now, if you are not willing to get more involved, if you didn't get out and vote, well, you have NO RIGHT complaining about the end results. You are simply accepting the outcome of each election and that is your right. However, it doesn't make it right. Perhaps that's the direction America is going. Perhaps you want to be on welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, never ending unemployment?

I wasn't raised that way. I want to bring jobs to Salisbury, Maryland. I want lower taxes on your properties. Oh, it can be done just as soon as we stop building $14,000,000.00 Fire palaces and $1,400,000.00 Fire Boats. Just because we have a credit rating to borrow such money doesn't mean we need to spend it. I'll put it this way. Your car payment is for 4,5 or 6 years. One day it does get paid off. Just because the payment is over it doesn't mean you need to go out and buy a new one simply because that's the new American way. Times are tough, you know it and I know it. There are MANY things the City paid for 30 years ago that are now being paid off. STOP spending just because it's available.

We can turn Salisbury around but don't think for a single second it can be done in 2 years. We can start heading down the right path but skate parks, dog parks, NOT in my line of thinking. We need paved roads and upgraded infrastructure. I don't care of the Federal Government wants to give us grant money, WE are responsible for the upkeep and policing of such projects and unless it is paid for elsewhere it's NOT going to happen under my leadership.

The Mayoral Election is up to you. Putting lipstick on a pig is what we've dealt with for the past 16 years. Sooner or later someone has to take the bull by the horns and do something positive with what we have. I can and will make things right.

Don't wake up the next morning without getting out to VOTE and think, man, how did Ireton get reelected! This election is one of the most important elections Salisbury has ever experienced. The National Elections are over and each and every one of you have to accept the end result. Don't let this happen again.


  1. I'm not a political person,but it appears to me that the wealthy are getting the butt end of things with Obama being elected.I don't do bad for myself,but I'm not in the targeted income group by a long shot.My goal for this year is to work with whatever is handed me.There does'nt appear to be much else left.

  2. Now more then ever we will vote for you Joe. Friends of mine have said they don't necessarily like you but will vote for you because you have proven to get things done. Don't get me wrong, they don't like Ireton either but they said they would never vote for him again.

  3. Almost 4 years after supporting Ireton, I'm still wondering when the help will arrive? I guess when I apply for food stamps.

    Maybe I can shack up at Art Condo on the Turd river and just retire, living on the water, I have a dream.

  4. Sorry to hear about your friend.

  5. Ireton will never get our votes again.

  6. Joe can you do a post about why MD schools are OPEN on veterans day and NOT on Martin Luther Day...

  7. BKLN, I'm not in the mood for any more teachers calling me a racist or child abuser.

  8. Joe,

    Sorry to hear about your friend with cancer, As everyone knows the only thing that natters in life is your family and friends,as far as the teachers comments well you know you cant change an ignorant persons ways, but what is scary is that this person is teaching our children.

  9. joe i'am sorry about your friend . my lady friend has kidney cancer and it is a terible desease. my prayers are with your friend his family and yours. keep up the good work telling it like it is.Yes its sad when they pulled god out of school they had to put in metal detectors and police monitors.

  10. I don't think it would hurt (and it may possibly help) if families would go to church together on Sunday mornings.

  11. I think the country has evolved into what alot of people think we should be entitled to and alot have taken this to the extreme. I'm of the minority mindset that we really aren't entitled to anything. It starts with the minor "we are entitled to a free public school education" to the extreme of things like cell phones.
    I think alot of people have turned what used to be a privilege (such as public schools) of living in this country into the mindset of being entitled to this and that.

  12. I really hope you can pave some of these roads in town, especially Mill St. area.. that is becoming hazardous not only to the cars themselves, but the bumps are causing accidents. Please help!!

  13. well said mr albero, me and you are close to the same age and have alot of the same views, i have read this blog nearly every day since inception and will continue too. you have posted alot of my comments and thanks for letting me have freedom of speech. good luck in the mayor race, god bless your friend and happy hoildays.

  14. Here, here about getting involved in our classrooms! Would love to see everyone during American Education week (this upcoming week)! But would love it even more to see parents in our classrooms throughout the rest of the year! In middle school, parents mistakenly think their kids don't want them around anymore. This is the time to get more involved than ever! We need you to help us guide your children toward success, grade-wise and socially. Not all of us are liberals, Joe, and a lot of us are teaching morals, ethics and responsibility in the classroom, even though we're no longer allowed to bring god into the picture, but we need help, the help of all parents.

    So sorry to hear about your friend--

  15. Seems when we are confronted with such things as a close friends,family grave illness or perhaps our own----it makes us "step back"--- view our priorities with "our own lives" & re-evaluate what we need to do differently. Most of the time---it makes us a better person.

  16. Joe, I usually agree with your views, but I can't help feeling that you are always bashing teachers. I am a dedicated teacher and would never force my political views on my students. I think that it is my job to give an unbiased view of the world. I wish that people would actually give teachers a little more credit for the job that they do.

  17. anonymous 6:11, I respect your comment. I was hoping that MOST teachers would understand who I was directing this Post to. That being saidf, (and hopefully you've now figured that out) there are other teachers with such a liberal agenda. I know for a fact there are many republican teachers and even more so many democratic teachers who are far more fiscally minded.

    in the end the blame I discuss ultimately goes to the PARENTS. I am reaching out and asking the parents to get more involved.

    However, you and I both know there are far too many lazy parents who would rather NOT get involved and simply blame the teachers for everything that goes wrong. I'm not at all naive.

    So forgive me, (if you will) for giving off the impression that I believe all teachers are liberals.

    I WANT a mutual understanding between myself and our educators. Unfortunately you are led by a left wing superintendent so afraid of his own shadow and lives his life with paranoia so much to a point all teachers are afraid to show any support towards Salisbury News or Joe Albero in fear he will retaliate. I can say as I blame any one of you.

    Just remember, Fredericksen does not stand behind the curtain when you cast your vote, just like he doesn't know who ANY one of you are when you post a comment here anonymously.

    Thanks for taking the time to share your opinion.

  18. You are on the right track. Period. I agree 100%. Thank you. I and my family will vote for you.

  19. I bet you our soldiers are pissed off for fighting for people who couldn't care less for our country,but want EVERYTHING FOR NOTHING.

  20. I think for the most part the teachers themselves do not invoke their own political beliefs into teaching but it's the whole curriculum, text books, methods, they are forced to use in the public school systems.
    Certain areas of history have been wiped out. I've even talked to some teachers who themselves do not know the politics behind some very important events in US history such as the Civil War.
    Many don't know that the Repubican Party was formed in the mid 1800's by anti slavery activists.
    Textbooks have been rewritten and certain words such as marriage has been wiped out as well as definitions changed in dictionary to suit a liberal agenda. Examples being gay and marriage.
    This is just a few examples of a subject that could be written about all day-the public school systems liberal slant.

  21. I think you would make a good mayor. The first line of business needs to be bringing back civility to politics.
    Any more when someone has an opposing point of view or questions something, politicans so quickly jump on the "intolerant," don't be "negative" bandwagon.
    It's like anymore all some of them want to do is hurl insults at their fellow law/policy makers instead of taking the more civil professional route of keeping your own mouth shut and listening. We see this on all levels-local, state, national.
    Labeling/describing someone so quickly, you disagree with as being intolerant and negative without even giving them and the public the courtesy of an explanation as to why you disagree is a cowards way out.
    When politicans attempt to shut down someone with opposing view points by labeling, it is nothing more than an intimadation tactic which has no place in politics.
    This "acting out" only makes people wonder where these people come from and what kind of life they live and what are they teaching their children.

  22. Well said. May God be with your friend. And, hopefully, you will soon be "Mayor Joe".

  23. I agree there are teachers pushing agendas contrary to the good of the country and city. I fully support our educational system but they are tied by policies from the Dept of Ed nationally and by the same entity at the state level. I have seen very good school administrators and others that are horrible. My kids went through WiHi and the idiot that luckily went to Dorchester county was the worse.

  24. Neither Jim Ireton or Debbie Campbell will get our support during this upcoming election. They are responsible for the continued corruption and wasteful spending in the Salisbury Fire Department by allowing Richard Hoppes to stay in the top position at that department. If either think they are going to get re-elected they will be in for a big surprise as long as Mr. Hoppes is still the fire chief.

  25. Debbie Campbell was the first council person in my voting lifetime to truly stand up to special interests and the best interest of Salisbury taxpayers.

    Her voting records stand for itself. I did vote for Ireton, but I definately won't be making that mistake again.

  26. 9:46 is probably not even a city resident and sounds more like a slumlord galore.

  27. 9:46, are you nuts? How is Debbie Campbell responsible for Hoppes still being in there? The council (we can assume the so-called majority including Campbell) did not move Hoppes forward as Ireton wanted. Tim Spies asked long ago when Ireton would put forward another name and Ireton hasn't. It looks like Ireton is purposely holding back until he gets the council HE wants with the next election. Voting against Debbie Campbell would be giving Ireton exactly what he wants, if he gets re-elected.

    Some of you are saying Ireton isn't getting anything done. He is going to blame that on the council. I'm glad the council tells him no and they don't do it all the time like he says, just when it needs to be said.

    I'm with 10:26 on this one. Campbell has guts and Ireton has no spine.

  28. You may think taxpayers can visit classrooms during American Education Week. NOT. Unless you're on an approved list for a given child, you won't be getting in. Can this be legal?

  29. @ 1:05 PM -- Explain how the schools could let everyone one in and safeguard the students.


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