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Monday, November 05, 2012

IRS Surrenders: Time For Churches to Get ‘Political’

The jig is up. The news is out. Pastors across America have called the left’s bluff. The empty words “separation of church and state” – a phrase found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution – have lost their sting.
Yes, “separation” still applies, but only insofar as it requires the state to remain separate from the church. That is to say, that government not interfere with the free exercise of either speech or religion.
For decades, hard-left anti-theist groups like the ACLU, People for the American Way (PFAW) and Barry Lynn’s Americans United (AU) have employed a cynical disinformation scheme intended to intimidate clergy into silence on issues of morality, culture and Christian civic involvement – issues that are not political so much as they have been politicized, issues that are inherently “religious.”

1 comment:

  1. this can only be considered great news. at last these pastors stood together for the Truth and won. we need to continue doing this type of thing on a continual basis until our nation hears all the truth they've been missing for so many years. remember if you tell a lie long enough, people will believe it. this is what happened regarding this one issue alone. we still have much work to do.


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