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Saturday, November 24, 2012

House GOP Planning Vote on Immigration Bill Next Week: Help for Green Card Families

House Republicans still smarting from their poor showing among Hispanics in the presidential election are planning a vote next week on immigration legislation that would both expand visas for foreign science and technology students and make it easier for those with green cards to bring their immediate families to the U.S.

Republican leaders made it clear after the election that the party was ready to get serious about overhauling the nation's dysfunctional immigration system, a top priority for Hispanic communities. Taking up what is called the STEM Jobs Act during the lame-duck session could be seen as a first step in that direction.

The House voted on a STEM bill — standing for science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in September, but under a procedure requiring a two-thirds majority. It was defeated, with more than 80 percent of Democrats voting against it, because it offset the increase in visas for high-tech graduates by eliminating another visa program that is available for less-educated foreigners, many from Africa.


1 comment:

  1. What a totally watered down excuse for a bill that addresses 0.004 of the immigration dilemma. Thanks GOP all of Mexico thanks you. Oh that's right if we make it miserable enough here all the illegals will self-deport. Brilliant.


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