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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hostess Gets Green Light To Eliminate 15,000 Jobs Immediately And Liquidate Assets

A US Federal Bankrupcy judge, Robert Drain, approved Wednesday to allow Hostess to layoff 15,000 workers immediately and the remaining 3,200 would be let go within four months.



  1. Guess those Bakers are happy they don't half to take an 8% pay cut.

  2. Keep cheering you anti-union morons. Unions are the reason we have the 8 hour day, overtime, and benefits in most workplaces. Not because those workplaces are unionized, but because unions changed the law and culture of labor in this country- for the better. Keep cheering, as unpatriotic corporate raiders close down US companies, send jobs overseas, and homogenize the labor quotient such that we are a nation of cashiers. Keep cheering, as you slice your own throat. You would be the same people who ranted about "gubmint Obamacare interfering with my healthcare" while you are on Medicare, while your slacker daughters and sons have children on welfare. Keep cheering as your stupidity washes the American Empire down the Global Toilet.

    Ane when you are finished cheering your defeat, pray that we have a leader who will take American business leaders by the throat and make them choose between their country and their Cayman accounts. A leader who will install a health care delivery system for the health care we as a nation are already paying for three times over. A leader who will purge this country of illegal aliens and close the border. A leader who will fund medical schools for American students to become American doctors. A leader who will defend America, will defend Israel, and will defend Europe and every other nation in need against Islam's quest for world domination.

    And we will call that leader a Founding Father in the rebirth of America.

    - David Hearne

  3. Looks as though the government is going to be doling out alot more welfare plastic cards.

    The upside - the workers just have to go as far as their mailboxes to retrieve their government subsidy checks. Less carbon emitted to.

    Heck - just keep raising the debt ceiling and keep printing - no one will catch on.

  4. Another American icon destroyed by the union.

  5. The fattest people on earth ain't gonna get any more Twinkies?! BUT, the president said the economy is "turning around", didn't he? WHAT will this buffoon be saying in 3 years when we are STILL at 8-10% unemployment, the dollar is worth about 20 cents on the world market, we are being taxed into poverty, 70% of the people are on food stamps, and America has become a land of part-time jobs at minimum wage with no benefits? It ain't gonna be Bush's fault forever. And it's NOT the unions. Its the POLITICIANS.

  6. Response to 12:41

    Amen brother. And with the country in such hock and yet they want another round of stimulus to dig even deeper - it is, indeed, a pitiful situation.

    We -(America)- doesn't make anything because we can't. The regulatory environment is so stiffling that there is more incentive to go out of business than there is to stay in business.

    It really has reached a crisis proportion - and yet they (Congress) will extend the debt ceiling yet again.

  7. Good those union people got what they wanted ....now on to refusing them from public dole.... they should get nothing from government..... their greed got them where they are and now they need to sleep in their own mess

  8. David Hearne:
    You are a complete fool!
    The unions are all about protecting the union bosses paycheck. The unions have systematicly destroyed every business they have ever touched.
    The is a fundamental fact of life. A certainb job is only worth a certain wage. Period!

  9. The fundamental fact is americans can't compete with communist led workforces such as China's who can produce over 70% of the products in Wal-Mart and have no concern for general laborer's work conditions or wages. Suicide nets outside of factories, forced abortions. Do we really want that here? The union is a microcosm of our government nowadays. It has it foundation based on the basic rights of mankind and decency. But greed and cronyism has tarnished that too. It's planned demise, print some more dollars it'll all be o.k. Give some more corporate welfare to the people who blew it the first time. For every hostess, there are droves of small businesses gone for good daily nationwide. We need to wake up and take a common sense step back and look at the big picture. The rosey job outlook prior to the election, Quantative Easing Unlimited? Really? NDAA? The ammo grab? Benghazi?
    But the darn tv and the next reality show has the general public in a daze. Last Days?

  10. To David Hearne

    You really need to look at our nations Balance of Trade graph.

    We have lost so much manufacturing for so long - it really is a pathedic situation. You can defend the unions all you want - but the facts speak for themselves - America is going down.

    Absolutely horrible scenario - look for yourself: http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/balance-of-trade

  11. If this keeps up we will be finished just like the Romans except at a much faster rate.How do you like GLOBAL economics now?

  12. I saw the union reps beating their fists on the podium,telling the Hostess employees not to accept any pay cut whatsoever.This cut was to only be temporary until Hostess got back on their feet,but the union people were simply too convincing.Within a couple of years they would have returned to their former pay scale,but oh well.This would have been a small sacrifice for job security.


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