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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

High School Counselors From Six Counties Participate In DEF Roundtable

Counselors from across the lower Delmarva Peninsula gathered during the Delmarva Education Foundation’s second High School Counselors Roundtable to discuss ways to successfully help students achieve their dreams of attending college.
More than 30 high school counselors from Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset and Dorchester counties in Maryland, Sussex County, Delaware and Accomack County, Virginia gathered on Oct. 26 to talk about issues related to the college preparation and financial aid process and to share best practices. Dr. Lynn Wiljanen, dean of student development at Wor-Wic Community College, facilitated the roundtable discussion, which addressed topics like working with sponsors to promote their scholarships, using social media to increase awareness of financial aid, and how to make the scholarship application process easier for students.
The Delmarva Education Foundation holds the bi-annual High School Counselors Roundtable so area professionals can share tools and techniques for enhancing the post-high school success of their students. Through events like this, DEF provides opportunities for education professionals from all three states to connect with each other, develop new ideas and find solutions to issues of concern. 
The mission of the Delmarva Education Foundation is to promote college access and success for residents of the lower Delmarva Peninsula. The High School Counselors Roundtable was held at the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore in Salisbury and supported by in-kind services from CFES and Choptank Electric Cooperative.

1 comment:

  1. switch your nationality from being a citizen to being an alien.
    Then dream on.


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