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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Groups Lead Campaign In Giving All Private Sector Workers Paid Sick Leave

When it comes to receiving pay for sick leave, many low-wage workers do not receive anything.
According to estimates from the Institute of Women’s Policy Research, forty percent of Maryland's private-sector workers — nearly 820,000 people — have no option to take time off with pay when they are ill.  
Yet, the Jobs Opportunities Task Force and two other Baltimore advocacy groups are trying to change this by campaigning for legislation that would grant paid sick leave to all private-sector workers.


  1. OMG! Won't the government leave ANYTHING alone!

  2. More rules to destroy businesses and or screw the employees....

    Most businesses will respond to this by coupling vacation and sick leave - calling it PTO...

    Get sick, visit the doctor...or take vacation...if you take vacation and use it all - don't get sick cuz you're back in the same boat.


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