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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grand Canyon Photo Prank Goes Viral

While camping in the Grand Canyon with her boyfriend earlier this month, Samantha Busch, 22, decided to pull a prank on her overprotective mom, Rebecca.

Busch texted a photo of herself looking like she was falling off a cliff, when in reality, she was perfectly safe standing on a ledge below.

"For five days up to when we left, my mom had warned me about falling off the cliff or being blown off," Busch told ABCNews.com. "So when we were hiking around the corner, I found a good spot where I could stand on the ledge. He angled the camera just right and he took a great picture."



  1. She must hate her Mom or she would not have possibly caused her Mom a fatal heart atack by seeing the pic. Maybe Mom has a huge insurance policy.

  2. How can young people be so crazy. Her Mom worried to death, could have had a heart attack. The young woman at the unknown soldier tomb is another non-thinking or caring person. Were we this stupid when we were young.

  3. Eww.Her name should've been Wilda,which is short for wildabeast.


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