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Monday, November 12, 2012

Good Day And Bad Day

According to new election spending data – Tuesday was a good day for women's rights and a bad day for guns. The Sunlight Foundation is reporting that Planned Parenthood political organizations spent 98% of their money this election cycle on winning candidates. On the other hand, NRA political organizations spent just 1% of their money on winning candidates. However, it's not all bad news for the NRA. With another four years of the Obama presidency, right-wing crazies claiming guns will be confiscated will spur a lot more gun sales. Already, gun manufacturers like Smith and Wesson are seeing their stocks soar. On Wednesday, Smith and Wesson saw it's stock shoot up 9.6% - it's biggest gain since early September. Ironically, in reality, President Obama has expanded gun rights during his first-term in office.

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