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Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Fox News projects President Obama will add to his winning electoral vote total by taking Nevada. 


  1. I can honestly say I am no longer proud to be an american! This country will be completely ruined within the next 4yrs...very sad!

  2. I'm still proud to be an American , however , I must agree that this country will not tolerate or withstand another 4 years with a muslim and a communist leading it.

  3. The muslims have won another country , get ready to cover your heads ladies.

  4. Leave the country. See ya... Later...

  5. LOL 230,really? Guess you are all about the priciple of free elections...until your guys doesn't win. Hilarious. Now that this is over, can the adults please come out and run the country. Loons on both sides of the aisle like 230, please go sit down.

  6. Agreed with 2:30. F america. In 40 years this country has went down and the next 4 years will put the nail in the coffin. Get ready!

  7. Hey 2:30, calm down, those hate mongers and hate radio voices in your head are phonys. The sky is not falling, it's a new day and it's still great to be an American.

  8. 2:30 AM

    I agree. Mob rule has won again. They will continue to get their free stuff while America goes down the toilet.

    Enjoy it while you can.

  9. 5:14 you dont want me to leave because i actually work for a living so i help pay for all the programs you and your buddies enjoy so much! Where would you all be without us working people and as for you 6:21 you call me a "loon" and i call you a "freeloader"! I would much rather want to be known as a hard working "loon" than someone who sits on my ass with my hand out!


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