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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Four More Years

Only in America can a president who inherits a deep recession and whose policies have actually made the effects of that recession worse get re-elected. Only in America can a president who wants the bureaucrats who can't run the Post Office to micromanage the administration of every American's health care get re-elected. Only in America can a president who kills Americans overseas who have never been charged or convicted of a crime get re-elected. And only in America can a president who borrowed and spent more than $5 trillion in fewer than four years, plans to repay none of it and promises to borrow another $5 trillion in his second term get re-elected.

What's going on here?

What is going on is the present-day proof of the truism observed by Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, who rarely agreed on anything in public: When the voters recognize that the public treasury has become a public trough, they will send to Washington not persons who will promote self-reliance and foster an atmosphere of prosperity, but rather those who will give away the most cash and thereby create dependency. This is an attitude that, though present in some localities in the colonial era, was created at the federal level by Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, magnified by FDR, enhanced by LBJ, and eventually joined in by all modern-day Democrats and most contemporary Republicans.


  1. Gas at highest price ever,EPA regs going to raise energy prices on all working people and cause loss of more jobs.Where is the tax money for entitlements going to come from?The money tree?

  2. How will you poor babies ever survive? You will be pulling your hair out for the the next four years. Now THAT's funny!

  3. I wont live long enough for it to bother me but would like to see the faces of the young ones that voted a popularity vote for Obama when it gets time for them to pay Almost worth living a few more years to watch

  4. Trail of tears? I thought they said 4 more years! Same difference.

  5. How will you poor babies ever survive? You will be pulling your hair out for the the next four years. Now THAT's funny!

    November 10, 2012 11:05 AM

    BABIES, are dependent on someone else, preferably an adult, for their survival.

    I think we have seen who, what, are the BABIES in this country. And it's not the ones who voted AGAINST obammy.

    If you see tears in OUR EYES, they are for the death of this country we are forced to watch. ( At the hands of your lying imposter)

    Obammy and his cohorts commit the crimes, and WE have to do the time.

    Brother, can you spare a dime?


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