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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

FAIL: Hostess And Bakers Union Talks Break Down In Mediation

Hostess and the bakers' union have failed to make a deal in mediation.
A labor strike recently ended with the company shutting down.
18,500 jobs are at stake, 5,000 of which belong to the bakers union.


  1. These Union nutcases just don't get it.
    In Pittsburgh there are still steel workers waiting for their jobs to come back and their union demands be met, 30 years later.

  2. The top union officials sitting in their luxury offices with their full pensions and health care will tell the workers not to go back to work.Sounds like stupid Obama supporters.

  3. Here is what I hope happens. They all go on unemployment ....someone else buys the factory and reopens it. If they are on unemployment and a job becomes available they have to take it if it makes more than they are making on unemployment or their unemployment is cut off. I would probably bet it would be much less then even if they had taken the pay cut Hostess was asking for in order to keep them open.

  4. The top union officials sitting in their luxury offices with their full pensions and health care will tell the workers not to go back to work.Sounds like stupid Obama supporters.

    November 21, 2012 4:03 PM

    No. Obammy supporters don't have jobs.


  5. And they were bankrupt last week.
    love last weeks news today . thanks and have a great thanksgive joe.

  6. they made their bed they can lie in it .... stupid union workers get what they deserve


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