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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Draft Audit Report Delivered Early To City Council

City of Salisbury Draft Audit Report Delivered to City Council
 Earliest Delivery of City Audit in Mayor Ireton’s Tenure

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce the City of Salisbury’s draft Audit Report is being delivered to the City Council this afternoon, one week earlier than last year.

This is the first year it has been delivered in November of a fiscal year and the earliest in Mayor Ireton’s tenure in office. Last year, the draft Audit Report was completed on Dec. 2, 2011. It was discussed with City Council at their December 5, 2011 work session.  It was formally presented at a December 12, 2011 City Council meeting.  This year the draft Audit Report will be discussed at the December 3, 2012 work session and formally presented at the December 10, 2012 City Council meeting.

Our partner throughout the audit process was Pamela W. Baker, CPA, CGFM of Barbacane, Thornton & Company LLP. The mayor expresses his appreciation to Ms. Baker and her staff for a successful, expeditious audit.

Mayor Ireton said, “I say thanks to all who worked to make this audit process go smoothly. Congratulations to the finance department for accomplishing this task even earlier than last year.  This is the earliest this has ever been completed, with the advent of general accounting standards, in our history.”

John Pick, City Administrator said, “We are very pleased to be making further progress in our goal to provide the Mayor and Council with the year-end financial information and audit in a timely manner. I would like to recognize the efforts of the accounting staff in our Internal Services Department - Gerri Moore, Shawanda Garrison and Trish Summers - for their dedication to realizing this goal.”

Link to Briefing materials HERE.


  1. Thank you, Debbie Campbell, for being a champion for an on time audit. I know that the mayor won't thank you, but the taxpayers do.

  2. Jim is not the sharpest tool in shed now is he.

  3. Thanks to Debbie Campbell who pushed for this to happen including a new audit firm.

    Thanks to Terry Cohen who supported that push.

    Thanks to the Gerri lady in that department who did such a great job after the Pam girl left. I once had to speak to that department and Gerri was professional and friendly. Ireton should have put her forward to replace Pam. Jerk.

    No thanks to Louise Smith who jumped on that bandwagon as her big election mantra.

    I hope people realize who is responsible for the behind the scenes progress going on. It's not the people getting their glamor pictures in the paper.

  4. There Jim Ireton goes with his little press release again. Are these held daily?

  5. In what part of that audit do I find the maintainence of SPD cars?

    At one time it was Debbie Campbell alone that cared if our city audits were done on time. We've come a long way.


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