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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The question must be asked. I wish I didn’t have to be the one to ask it. But, since no one else will, it falls to me.
Did Barack Obama actually, legitimately, fairly and legally win the election?
My answer is an unequivocal no.
It was not a free and fair election. In fact, if we as a nation don’t acknowledge the reality of what I am saying, we may never have a free and fair election again in the future of this once-great nation.
Here are some facts to consider:
  • The Obama campaign accepted at least some foreign campaign cash – willingly and knowingly. The campaign website could have prohibited it. It did not. In other words, it deliberately left open the door for illegal foreign contributions in its “by any means necessary” quest for re-election. WND has proven that by actually contributing under the name Osama bin Laden from a Pakistani IP address, with a phony physical address and other neon-lit red flags in hopes of catching attention. Obama accepted illegal foreign contributions in 2008 without penalty, so why would anyone expect him not to repeat his crime in 2012? No one can know the extent of the fraud, because Obama has refused to release the identity of donors of $200 or less – yet he boasts that most of the money he collected was in small amounts.


  1. Oh get real. Disagree with his policies if you like, but get over the fact that he was legally elected.

  2. Enough already. Can we move on please?

  3. Sorry, 7:50, it's just difficult to believe that there are enough fools loose in this country to re-elect the fraud. The ignorance is staggering.

  4. Here's what I think. I do believe the election was rigged but after the 2000 Bush debacle where they went out in droves and protested - then he was RE-elected and they still couldn't handle it. THEN to top it all off the guy in Wisconsin (whose name escapes me at the moment) was RE-ELECTED in a terrible attempt to throw him out. GET OVER IT ALREADY. Now, and only now I say, let the takers take and when the money runs out - tough you know what.

    I ain't givin no more. Give those voters EXACTLY what they voted for.

  5. Exactly... cut off the money.
    Do not raise the debt ceiling any more! No new taxes!
    Tell him to live within his means as a President. Maybe he should consider drafting a budget that DEMOCRATS will pass because THEY defeated every attempt. No budget for 4 years. Trillion dollar deficits for 4 years. Record unemployment, especially in the black community ironically.
    YES, give the voters what they want, just like in Ohio where his regime just cut monthly benefits 50 dollars per person!
    Obama voters are suckers, they are beginning to realize it now, but most won't admit it and are still towing the party line directly to American decline and failure.

  6. I was so excited to read that 31 states (or more) are attempting to secede in the US and start their own country and get out from Obama's socialist ruling.
    If they are successful, I am moving out of Maryland!!!


  8. "9:37 BYE!!!! ONE LESS OF YOU OVER HERE.......WERE WINNING!!!" You're 'WINNING' until you run out of other people's money. Who gonna' pay for your cell phone then?

  9. 9:56. What exactly do you think you are winning. Have you looked at the numbers? Record unemployment, higher taxes, etc.

    Republicans abolished slavery in this country, the obamabites have brought it back.

  10. What a bunch of sore losers !!Face it bad ideas and bad candidates lost the election !

  11. I don't know why anyone is surprised of the fraudulent voting. They be better than anyone else, they be wanting someone to give them entitlements, they be wanting to be slaves, and they be wanting to sit on their arse while others work to support them. They be special, the man takes care of them.

  12. I am paying for my own cell phone, groceries, medical expenses by the way so living in a state that is on their own and not under the powers of Obama sounds like a great idea to me. All the liberals who voted for Obama can have him and put up with his no nothing rules.
    Hope the 31 states that "leave the US" are successful and it will show Obama that he really is not LOVED as much as he thought he was.

  13. Maybe I can get over the 'fact' 100% of voters in some parts of Philly voted for Obama and zero for Romney. But how do you explain 108% voter turnout in some counties in Ohio and 112% in Florida, all of whom voted Obama, of course. More votes than voter population? Can any of you liberals explain that? It was RIGGED ! I'm Independent & I approve this message.

  14. Original Question: Did Obama really win? Answer: Yes, he did. By a majority of votes. A process that has been favored in this country for quite a while now. Has a president been elected previously where not everyone was happy? Yes. Will it happen again? Yes. Most voters admittedly voted in oppostion to the "other" guy. Has this happened before? Absolutely. Will it happen again? Absolutely. So if one of these candidates received more votes than the other candidate, then I suggest that a STRONGER candidate is enlisted for the other team before the next election. Simple civics for all you simple minds. Have a nice day. Please do not litter on your way out.

  15. 8:24. Part of the problem is civics no longer being taught in our schools.


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