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Monday, November 12, 2012

D.C. Fireboat Can't Make Distress Calls, Needs Nearly $700k In Repairs

D.C.'s only rescue boat capable of handling large-scale emergencies has expired Coast Guard documentation, a broken communications system and needs nearly $700,000 in repairs, a report obtained by The Washington Examiner has found.
The report was commissioned by D.C. Fire and Emergency Medical Services in May as a result of a city inspector's report that found the 50-year-old boat, the John H. Glenn Jr., was obsolete. Although the report also said that the 71-foot boat's "firefighting capability is more than adequate," it noted that substantial repairs were needed in order to meet or exceed federal and industry standards.
When asked about the report, FEMS Deputy Fire Chief for Homeland Security John Donnelly on Friday noted the report's positive assessment of the boat's firefighting function.


  1. sell salisbury fire boat for 1&1/2 million.

  2. We can always sell them the Salisbury fire boat lol.

  3. I'm thinking maybe they were more deserving of that free money boat than the Salisbury Fire Department. Salisbury has had that boat for over a year now and it hasn't responded on it's first call yet.

  4. Since Salisbury did mot pay for the boat, just transfer it to DC.


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