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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

David Petraeus May Have Committed Much Worse Crimes In Afghanistan

While ousted CIA Director David Petraeus eats dirt for his extra-marital affair, some people would like him to answer for much more serious crimes.
There is evidence that Petraeus, when he commanded US forces in Afghanistan, oversaw the intentional bombing of funerals and civilian rescuers with drones, which constitutes a war crime according to The International Criminal Court.
For years the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) has reported on the use of the double tap—a strategy used by terrorists that involves bombing a strike site multiple times in relatively quick succession to maximize devastation—and there is documented instances that Petraeus employed this tactic as CIA director.


1 comment:

  1. I still think a lot of this is a diversion.We'll see.


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