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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Job Cuts


November 20 , 2012

November 19 , 2012


November 20 , 2012

November 19 , 2012


  1. Times 400, and there's still 4 more years of "Fundamental Transformation" to go. We will all be in the basket by then.

    Thank you, Obamabots.

  2. oh, and don't forget you will be getting a nice tax increase shortly, and oh, don't forget if you pay for your health insurance that will be going up as well. you know those "obamafones"; well, you won't have them anymore next year. they're cutting food stamps and all the other goodies as well. and of course all the fuel prices are going to skyrocket along with the food.

    we have much to be thankful for, but hold on to your wallet.

  3. Glad to hear the economic revolution is in full swing.

  4. This is only going to get worse. All kind hearted people have to quit giving them stuff. You all have to look out for your own families. If they don't have a turkey or toys this Christmas then they should have to go to their fellow Obama voters/supporters for their handouts this year.
    It's a bad practice giving them stuff anyway. It just enables them and teaches them dependancy. Time we taught them a lesson and stop the handouts.

  5. This is only the beginning.
    Obama will single handedly take down America.

  6. Well, all these seasonal jobs being "created" will make up those numbers!


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