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Wednesday, November 28, 2012


FEMA went out yesterday doing another round of “PDAs” or preliminary damage assessments. They have to find a certain level of damage for our area to get the individual assistance. I’m rather pessimistic about our chances.

Today we have the Mennonite national team coming in, who will oversee the rebuilding of homes that were destroyed. What we are going to have to do is to find the building supplies that they will need to rebuild the homes.

Saturday we went door to door and found a lot more affected homes.


  1. Perfect example of why NO ONE should vote democrat and their policies of big government because big govt does NOT work. FEMA will still be wandering around doing "assessements" after assessements and in the mean time the Mennonite Disaster Service team will have everything rebuilt.
    When you vote democrat you are voting for higher taxes which equates to less donations for organizations like the Mennonite Disaster Services. Time to send a message to omalley and obama and all the rest of the know nothing useless democrats-Stop the wasteful spending! No new or higher taxes!

  2. Where is Obama in all this? If this was a republican the Government News media would be all over it!


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