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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Climate Change Killed Off The Mayas

The mystery of the ancient Maya downfall might be solved by a rock formation that suggests climate change could have led to the civilization’s demise.
Researchers from Pennsylvania State University traced a climate trail recorded in a 2,000-year-old stalagmite found in a cave in Belize, concluding that prolonged periods of drought corresponded with the disintegration of the Maya political system. The findings are published today in the journal Science.
The Maya, who originated around 2600 B.C. in current day Southeastern Mexico, grew to prominence and size during the next three millennia, building temple step-pyramids and developing highly accurate astronomical and calendar systems. Why some of their larger cities were abandoned a thousand years ago is largely a mystery. Though weather shifts have been proposed previously, the stalagmite findings may offer the data that was lacking, said Douglas Kennett, the lead study author.
“We lucked into very good material to work with, to develop a very detailed climate record that is anchored chronologically in a way that other records haven’t been able to,” Kennett, a professor of anthropology at Penn State in State College, Pennsylvania, said in a phone interview.


  1. History means nothing anymore. The only history that is important is the rise of the African Americans from slavery.
    The most honorable Jessie Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton have secured a victory that they have worked for for many years.
    Our leader and most worshipful Barrack Obama will guide us as we pass on this most wonderful trip.
    He is our saviour!!

  2. So the Mayans had SUVs, electricity, jet planes, and other high carbon-footprint equipment?

  3. I guess cutting out the still beating hearts of the towns people didn't hurt.

  4. 10:20 AM
    You mean the Reverend Al Sharpton, our next president?

  5. Just start from today with all eye's forward.No anger,no animosity about how certain groups of people were treated,and no expectation of reparation for those groups.They were not you.They preceeded you.If you truly want to prove your worth,fix tomorrow.Make tomorrow and the next day etc better than today.Do not look back.Move on.

  6. 1:36 PM
    "Do not look back.Move on".

    sorry but you learn from past mistakes.

  7. My name is John and I live in Delmar. I get a new SUV for Christmas every year. Socks, Underwear, & Viagra.


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