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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

City Of Salisbury vs. Construction Dynamics Group, Inc. Settlement

Mayor Ireton is pleased to announce a verdict in the City of Salisbury vs. Contruction Dynamics Group, Inc. court case.

Mayor Jim Ireton said, “In the City of Salisbury case against Construction Dynamics Group, Inc., the City of Salisbury was awarded a jury verdict in the amount of $1,968,417.43.  In addition, Construction Dynamics paid the City $162,225.00 for improper billing.  The total recovery for the City taxpayers is $2,130,642.43.  This verdict brings a multi-year litigation regarding the Waste Water Treatment Plant construction to conclusion.  The City was represented by Howard Goldberg, Paul Wilber and Chris Mason during this litigation. The monies obtained from this litigation will be used to help pay for the upgrade of the Waste Water Treatment Plant to the benefit of all rate payers.” 

“This brings closure to a very trying period for the City and it allows us to start a new path forward,” Teresa Gardner, Director of Salisbury Public Works said.

Overbilling: $162,225
Jury Award: $1,968,417.43
Total: $2,130,642.43


  1. I wonder how much they will actually get after the lawyers take their hefty fees

  2. Let's remember, while some are celebrating the victory of these lawsuits, (wanting YOU to believe they have won) it is the Citizens that have been absolutely screwed by the very same attorney that tried this case and the former Mayor.

    It will cost more than $140,000,000.00 to build a Plant that could have been built for around $40,000,0000.00.

    So while Ireton pounds his chest in victory, remember, YOU just got boned for over $100,000,000.00!!!!! AND YOU will be paying for it along with your children and their children. Welcome to Obamabury, I mean Salisbury.

  3. As high as our water/sewer bill is now it shouldn't be long paying for all this. It's unreal.

  4. Time too sue the idiot attorneys.

  5. wow we won. we now have enough money to put into, well, nothing, really, as repairs will cost another $62,000,000. Gee, I feel MARVELOUS!

  6. It's just a WIN, WIN, WIN Situation!!! We won! We got, after lawyers fees, (Thanks, Paul Wilbur) 1.2 million towards a 64 million dollar repair! WHOOOOO-HOOOOO!

    To quote Charlie Sheen, "WINNING!"

    Oh, God.

  7. So the original price for the sewage plant was $80 million and now it will cost $62 million to correct the problems?

    Now we have the Boy Mayor of Rehoboth Beach thumping chest over a measly little $2 million. What am I missing here?

  8. I have a large circle of friends and family that worked hard to get Jim Ireton elected. I can guarantee you we will work twice as hard to make sure he doesn't get re-elected. Anybody but Jim for Mayor!!

  9. Boy Mayor of Rehoboth Beach! LMAO

  10. That award won't cover attorney' s fees and the two very expensive sewer plant studies that each of the two mayor's have initiated to determine if a wastewater plant fix is feasible that were paid by city loan funds

  11. You can thank your buddy Gary Comegys for most of this mess.

  12. The legal fee's are higher than the amounts of all the settlements put together.

    We are supposed to rejoice?

    It's time the Village marched on city hall with pitch forks and torches and run the monster out of town.

  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Paul Wilber suppose to read the contract before the City of Salisbury signed on the dotted line? He failed to do his job and now tax payers haev to foot the bill and he gets paid yet again for his own mistake? I think they should sue HIM.

  14. Can we name it the Barrie Parsons Tilghman Waste Water Treatment Plant?


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