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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Capitalism, Socialism And Human Dignity

Capitalism means human individual freedom, especially in the sphere of striving to
become prosperous. To defend the system is a challenge because of its ties to
individualism, even ethical egoism. For centuries the ethical and moral guidelines
people have been urged to live by have been some kind of communitarianism,
such as altruism, utilitarianism, socialism, communism, etc. The individualism
associated with capitalism had been thought as atomistic, seeing people as
isolated from and indeed hostile toward one another.

Socialism is the political economic order that sees human beings as part of a larger entity, society, to which they are all beholden and which they must serve not of their own free will but as a matter of coerced duty.


1 comment:

  1. Capitalism is freedom,all the rest are the rich and powerful running everyone's life.


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