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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Stocks Close Sharply Down

Dow closes down by 313 points as stock markets are hit by post-election freefall.


  1. Thats because the people in the market aren't as stupid as the voters.

  2. speaks quite loudly, don't you think

  3. really 528, well what were they saying as the market gained back most of what was lost during the recession over the last 4 years under this pres?

  4. 5:40 you haven't seen anything yet its going to get much worst get ready what is about to happen will make The Great Depression look like a cakewalk Obama will soon be laughing at all you dumb-asses that voted for him.

  5. really 528, well what were they saying as the market gained back most of what was lost during the recession over the last 4 years under this pres?

    November 7, 2012 5:40 PM

    NOthing, since it isn't true.

  6. They were saying "Damn! Those campaign contributions REALLY PAID OFF!!"....No one --- no one -- gives ANYONE (especially politicians!) tens of millions of dollars if they are expecting SOMETHING in return....and it better be something worth more than 10 million. But politicians and the Supreme Court itself (the last vestige, now gone, too, of fairness and justice) has said that those action are completely legal. So much for "protecting" the people. They aren't doing much "serving" either, except if you mean "serving up ungodly amounts of money to each other and laughing at the serfs stupidity".

  7. 5:40 Uh... they were saying Bailout!
    Taxpayer money for all!
    They were saying get it while you can.
    They were saying Trillion dollar deficits every year for 4 YEARS.
    They were saying 47000000 people on welfare.
    They were saying billions gone to bankrupt solar energy crony Obama donors.
    They were saying unemployment average of 9.4% over 4 years.
    They were saying 2 percent negative growth every year.
    They were saying print more money?
    They ARE saying the Obama campaign polished a turd and the American people couldn't see a turd is still a turd and they smeared turd all over the only hope we had, Romney.
    The polish will soon wear off and we will still have a turd in the White House.

  8. and what 5:40? do you think the market went up because the economy got better> NO you idiot! The market went up because the value of the dollar went down!. The number of dollars in the market went higher because more dollars were printed out of thin air and pumped into the economy. The value of the dollar went down and the value of the assets they backed stayed the same....meaning it takes more dollars to buy the same things. They are robbing us of the value of the things we own! Think of this. How do you think China feels that we owe them money that will be absolutely worthless if we ever pay them back. This economy is false. Fiat currency backed by nothing! Stand by people!

  9. 5:40 the so called "gains" you speak of are faux gains due to the stock market being propped up by the feds. It's called quantitive easing. Look it up.

  10. I don't want to offend anyone but alot of people (47%) are like 5:40 and don't understand how the market works, 7:19.

  11. 719 inflation is under 10% over the last 4 years. Yet stocks are up by 90%. Somewhere your math isn't adding up.

  12. The market goes up and down every week, so why is it a big deal now?

    Because it fits into the conversation that the losers of the election have. Simple.


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