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Friday, November 02, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: October Jobless Rate Up To 7.9 Percent

Labor Department's last jobless report before Election Day shows slight increase in number of unemployed last month, up to 7.9 percent, with 171,000 jobs added. 

From Fox News.


  1. When Bush left office we were in recession.
    Statistics prove we are WORSE off now in every way.
    How can Obama call that a recovery?
    How can anyone support this president?
    Democrats are fools as is anyone that votes for the Obama regime again.

  2. 906 yeah lets see those statistics. lol. Last I checked, fall 2008 we had lost some 4 million jobs and the bleeding wasn't anywhere near done yet.

    Lets look at some other stats. Just prior to Bush coming in unemployment was 4%. At the end of his first term unemployment was close to 6%. Yet you die hard GOP ideologues came out in full support. Now you have a pres. that navigated through a GLOBAL recession of historic proportions. And at the end of his 1st term, UE is back to around to where it started and is set to decrease. So you supported one pres. who brought you a 2 pt. increase in UE, but want to lambast a pres. that broke even during much rockier economic times?

  3. Uh.... 6% is better than 8%.

    Debt and deficit. Historic increases by Obama.
    Two credit down grades under OBAMA.
    Increased poverty. 32% more on welfare under OBAMA.
    Historic unemployment rates overall and even WORSE in black community's.
    Stop cherry picking statistics and look at the big picture.
    Your precious Obama is a complete FAILURE!

  4. Refer to the the 9:00 am posted video above LG 1982.

    There is no defense, you look like an idiot trying.

  5. 955 who's cherry picking? I'll take breaking even in a horrendous economy over increasing UE by 2% in a much rosier economy. Not to mention that most of the job gains of that decade were based on housing and easy credit, two things that the GOP pens on Dems anyway.

    As far as the other numbers, please show me where during any recession did we NOT see welfare and poverty increase. Same goes for the deficit. Common sense says that these would increase during a GLOBAL recession.

    And the credit downgrade isn't because of current spending. It's directly because of the failure of gov. to craft a long term fiscal plan. Something that Congress is primarily responsible for. But alas, no one on either side can get anything passed because they have been voted in by partisan ideaologues on both sides of the aisle who are focused less on sound policy and more on shoveling the manure being dropped by the elephants and donkeys.

  6. LG1982 is the fool 9:06 was referring to.

  7. LG1982 refer to the 11:45 post for your statistics!


  8. How does ADDING 171k jobs increase the jobless rate? I have to be missing something...

  9. More than 171,000 LOST employment during the same period.
    What your missing is the MSM misleading the American public.

  10. I don't see where more than 171k lost jobs. I only see 171k jobs were added to the market. Thus, more people are actively looking for jobs, which causes the unemployment rate to bump.

    It's a glimmer of hope I'd say.

  11. LG1982 16 trillion in debt. Do you understand that? How much is that for each working person to pay back? Your big O has run this country in the dirt.


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