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Friday, November 02, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: NYC Marathon Canceled

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the city will cancel Sunday's NYC Marathon in response to public uproar in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

From Fox News


  1. He is a pi$$ poor excuse for a human being.

    His civilians have been kicked out of temporary housing to make room for the runners so he can make 350 million dollars.

    The damage is already done; he waited too long.

  2. He had a generator that could power 400 homes scheduled to be used FOR A MARATHON TENT!

  3. Too late now. Just what was he thinking?

  4. His head is to far up Obama's butt to be thinking about anything 6:16.

  5. First, the people that think the race should be cancelled are nuts. The storm was Mother Nature's fault not the Govenor of New York's fault. It would take as much time to hook this generator up to the 400 homes for it to power than to get the electricity back on. Why does everyone depend on the government to help them in these types of situations? I was raised to work hard and take care of myself, not depend on the government.
    Imagine the amount of money the businesses in New your will lose as well as the tax income that New York will lose by cancelling this event. SO, if you want the government to pay for relief to come, let the race be run and use the tax income from the weekend to fund the relief efforts.

  6. Evidently he ordered 2 hugh generators that could have provided electricity to 400 homes for this marathon.
    I was just on P & G's Tide Loads of Hope which is a mobile unit filled with washers and dryers that goes to disaster areas to wash and dry clothes for people. People on their Facebook page are begging for the unit to set up in their areas. People are saying bring gas.

  7. 7:29, 100's of the runners themselves who had registered had dropped out due to 19 bodies being found in Staten Island (one of the hardest hit areas) right where the race was due to start. Other runners saying they couldn't stomach the thought of running past the devastation. Long time spectators were going to boycott. 4 lower Manhatten hospitals are closed. Very common for runners to use these hospitals for marathon related injuries (pulled muscles, exaustion, etc.
    And hotels are full of hurricane refugees who would be kicked out if hotels had honored marathon reservations.
    It's too much going on for anyone to worry about how much money the city may have made.

  8. "It would take as much time to hook this generator up to the 400 homes for it to power than to get the electricity back on"

    The generators were diverted from the disaster areas to the marathon site 7:29, so obviously you have no idea what you are talking about. They were in NY for victims of the hurricane and not for a marathon.

  9. 7:29 PM

    I hope you are playing the devil's advocate and don't really believe what is coming out of your mouth.

    If you seriously believe what you have typed, you are one stupid S.O.B.

    You and the mayor are the only ones who wanted the race to run. Everyone else associated with the race wanted it postponed.

    New York will not lose any tax revenue. My understanding is the race is POSTPONED not cancelled. AS IT SHOULD BE.

    Whew. That's enough for me in one day. I am so tired of stupid people.

    No offense but a lot of you need to proof read your comments before you send them in.

    Along with checking your spelling, you can read it and see how it would sound to another person.

    Then maybe we could cut down on these asinine comments.

  10. First, the people that think the race should be cancelled are nuts. The storm was Mother Nature's fault not the Govenor of New York's fault. 7:29 PM

    How did the governor of New York get involved with this crap?

    I think you meant the MAYOR OF NEW YORK.


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