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Saturday, November 10, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Four Days After Election, Obama Wins Florida

Votes finally tallied in Florida, showing Obama topping Romney by a margin of about 74,000 votes

From Fox News


  1. And Allen West lost too.

  2. Maybe if they counted the absent t ballots from our troops over seas the count totals would be different???

  3. Not unless there were 74,001 republican Floridians who are military members whose votes didn't get counted. And the odds of that are statistically insignificant, so the answer to 2:50's question is, obviously, no.

  4. 309 don't waste your time trying to teach simple math to these clowns. According to them each of the battle ground states apparently had 100k military absentee ballots that would have went to Romney

  5. Voter Fraud and no one will do anything about it.


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