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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Former CIA Director David Petraeus Will Testify Before Congress

Former CIA Director David Petraeus has agreed to testify before House and Senate intelligence committees on the deadly attacks on the US Consulate in Libya, Fox News confirms. 


  1. Thank goodness! Maybe now the truth will come out!

  2. He should have to testify!

  3. I hope he really lets loose with the information.

  4. So glad!! The timeline of events that the CIA investigated should be totally against the White House!! I hope I smell impeachment!!

  5. I like many others think there was a White House cover up on the events in Libya. If that is the case Obama should be charged like any other criminal.

  6. Sounds to me like there is no need for testimony. Everyone here already KNOWS what happened.

  7. Yeah it was a "spontaneous reaction to a video", 12:34.
    That goes to show what the obama admin thinks the mentality is of the American people. Glad I'm smart enough to know that story was BS. It's so funny that some actually bought into that story.

  8. He will plead the fifth on everything, or never make it there if he's the whistle blower on Benghazi some think he is. Or maybe this is Obama's watergate, to bring him down orchestrated by the neo cons?


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