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Friday, November 30, 2012

Boehner Joins Filibuster Fight Against Democrats

House Speaker John Boehner joined fellow Republicans in the Senate on Thursday in their battle to stop Democrats controlling that chamber from curbing filibusters, threatening to ignore bills the Senate sends him if Democrats have abused GOP senators' rights to slow consideration of legislation.

The threat by Boehner, R-Ohio, represents an unusual escalation across the Capitol building of a bitter partisan fight that has been brewing in the Senate for weeks. It also underscores a Republican effort to retain as much power as they can next year, when Democrats will control the White House and Senate and Republicans will lead only the House.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has said that on the first day of the new Congress in January, he may take the unusual step of using a simple majority vote to limit filibusters.



  1. Boehner needs to go. He's not a leader, he's a blunt instrument. The Republicans are going to lose the House in 2014 because they'd rather thump their chests than legislate. Compromise doesn't indicate weakness, it indicates maturiry.

  2. you can't compromise with no real plan. no cuts is no plan. period, the end.

  3. I think Boehner means well but I think Krauthammer hit the nail on the head when he said the GOP should walk away.

    Let Obama OWN his economy.

    We have gone through several depressions in the U.S. historically. We'll do it again if necessary and hopefully come out stronger in the end.

    God help us.

  4. &:26 - you indicate that the republicans refuse to compromise. Please explain to me where/when dear leader and his party have offered any compromise on this issue. Hasn't happened. Hell - they can't even construct a budget.


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